Little back fellows somehow made the set look exactly the same as the one he wore now. Plain white with hight collar, consisting of two thick layers. He pulled the clothes over his person.

'What? Why are you taking so long?' well's ghost lost his patience when his companion wasn't done for enough time for him to get bored; he wasn't patient in the first place.

Shi Shuan turned his head to stare at him, his expression unreadable.

'Boots.' he spelled.

'What boots?' the ghost repeated confused.

'I left my boots.'

The puzzles clicked together. 'YOU LEFT THEM IN HIS ROOM?!' his flame erupted and burnt the ceiling.

If well's ghost had hair, he wouldn't have any left now. He would have pulled it all out because of the nerves.

He took a while to calm down. 'Okay. It's easy. A pice of cake! You just have to go back there, knock on the door and ask him, a callous, bloody demon with a hangover to return the shoes. That's easy right?' he breathed so loudly, Shi Shuan suspected he was hyperventilating, if not for him being a ghost.

'Let's just live without them.' he decided hollowly.

'NO.' well's ghost snapped, 'You can't go without shoes!' he sighed in resignation, 'Just let's get over with this. You know the way right?'

'Of course.' he said and left the room barefoot, before the courage leaves him.

The corridors were empty, without as much a whiff of a living being. Long windows let the sun pour inside without obstacle, which made Shi Shuan's tired eyes uncomfortable. He walked by the wall to avoid it as much as possible and put his hand to his forehead to block the rest. Good thing he was alone. If anyone saw a lone swaying figure climbing the corridors while supporting on the walls and shying from the common daylight, barefoot additionally, the person would have immediately labeled him a weirdo or a psycho, without giving a chance to explain.

The funny thing about the demon's castle was that everything looked exactly the same. Every corridor had the same carpet, every curtain was neatly tied to the sides, every room's door was properly closed. It was indeed a maze.

'You don't remember, do you?' well's ghost asked at some point.

Shi Shuan gave him an impatient glance, 'I already said I  know the way.'

'We have been going round in circles for an hour already! You have to admit it!'

'No, we are not. Look.' he pointed at a statue next to one of the doors.

It was a bizarre mix of random animals, a chimera of doberman's head, tiger's body and horse butt, reaching his elbow in height. It stood guard by the right side of the door. The creature was carved in black stone with such precision, one would think it's a living, breathing thing. 

'That definitely wasn't here yesterday.' well's ghost flew closer to inspect it, 'And why is there only one? Where's decorum in this?' he said with ridicule and overly-showed distaste.

Shi Shuan saw it once before, when he was trying to get back to his room. He almost tripped over it while taking a turn.

He patted the animal's head and went to check out around the corner. When well's ghost followed, he skewed him a smug look over his shoulder.

'Didn't I say?'

Those striking red door, with ghostly faces and terrifying scenes carved on every inch of it's surface were impossible to mistake.

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