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Luz sat crisscrossed in the attic of the Owl House, staring at the door. She couldn't explain the feeling, but ever since she got back from her last trip, she's felt like the door has been trying to communicate with her. It's just she can't decipher what it's trying to tell her. Whatever it is, it doesn't feel good. It's probably just the nerves of going back home and confronting Camila after all this time.

Amity was on her way to the house to travel with Luz, but she's a little late due to an unexpected visit from her siblings. Emira apparently couldn't shut up about Hunter or whatever, and Edric was being his normal aloof self. Or that's at least what the texts read.

Eda was in the kitchen with King, getting all the ingredients ready for a big dinner. Eda said no matter the outcome of the encounter, they were going to have the best home-cooked meal ever.

Lilith and Hunter had a busy day in the coven with meetings and patrol all day. Lilith called an emergency meeting regarding the mysterious break-in at the conformatorium and wanted to go over new procedures the coven would do to prevent an event like that from happening ever again. Hunter dreaded the meeting, but he did have it coming for beating up his own men and keeping quiet about it. He just finds it unfair that Amity doesn't have to deal with any of that stuff.

And Luz was at the door. It all comes back to this damned door. It was a blessing and a curse. It solved so many issues in her life while giving her a whole bunch of new issues to deal with. She found a new family at the expense of losing one. She found lifetime friends, at the expense of being harassed in her home realm. All she had to deal with in her realm was not fitting in, while in the demon realm, she had to suffer great consequences from an evil emperor, almost dying, and watch everyone she's cared for, suffer for her actions. Loving someone has come with the obstacle of a crazy mother who would do anything for her daughter to live up to any expectation, including almost murdering a Luz at just fourteen.

But what has Luz accomplished in the human realm that was so great? All that was tying her there was her mother. Here on the Isles, Luz is a hero that made history and even did the impossible by producing wild magic without being born with a bile sac. She took down a corrupt empire and freed its people, or witches, from a simple-minded man who just wanted more power. She's helped countless lives, whether it was a rogue witch, trying to live an outlaw life disconnected from her family to a manipulated boy, who just wanted to make his uncle proud. Luz gave them a family and hope. She gave them hope, and in an instant, it was all ripped away. Leaving Luz alone in the realm where she was born. In the realm, she's supposed to be happy in. In the realm she despises.

The door seemed a little off to Luz the more she looked at it. Its once bright and yellow glow seemed a bit darker than the last time she saw it. More of an orange tint than yellow. Luz took it upon herself to investigate further and opened the door to see the magic. She was right, it was darker and seemed, unstable. "Interesting." She narrowed her eyes, trying to see if she is just imagining things but she could swear she sees the number three floating around.

Maybe Eda's book could explain this. Unfortunately for Luz, there were piles of old books surrounding the portal, so there was no telling which one could be the one the Owl Lady used. Luz closed the portal door and started to rummage through the piles, hoping to find a spell regarding a portal to the human realm. This brings the memory of that echo mouse Luz used to take care of that ate Philip's journal. Too bad, that would have been really useful in bringing her back.

While Luz flips through old books, Willow and Gus knock on the door, startling Luz "Willow, Gus? What are you two doing here?"

Willow smiles and takes the lead into the room "Amity told us what you two were doing today. Thought we would drop by and wish you luck."

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