Unexpected Threats

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Hunter strolled through Bonesburrow in his official PeaceKeepers coven uniform, just trying to get his shift over with. He wanders past each stand, making sure everything is well and there are no misconducts happening. 

Today was a relaxed day, considering the market was empty and no one who had a brain dared to commit a crime with a PeaceKeeper witch around, no less Hunter, the second in command. He sighed as he passes a fellow co-worker, nodding his head, but paying no mind to the witch.

"Today is really something else." He mumbles to himself, standing guard, sluggishly watching an idiot checking if the coast is clear to pickpocket. Hunter rolls his eyes and whispers again to himself "Don't do it." The thief skittishly looks both ways, checking if he's in the clear, which he is not. "Don't do it," Hunter repeats to himself, pulling out his staff, getting ready to make a boring arrest. 

The witch in question makes a play for the stand and steals a couple of jewels and sealed scrolls. Quickly stashing them away in his bag and acting like he did nothing wrong. Hunter throws his head back and groans "He did it." Hunter slams his staff on the ground, encasing the thief in a red magical hue, and teleports the both of them to headquarters.

"Whoah!" The thief yells, completely caught off guard.

Hunter mumbles "You are under arrest for theft. Do you deny these charges?"

The thief flails his hands "Of course I do! What proof do you have!" The witch with purple skin and red hair asks angered by the accusations.

The witch rolls his crimson eyes and summons the thief's bag and dumps it out in front of him. His purple skin becomes pale and he nervously laughs "How did that get in there?" 

He cowers back and Hunter puts shackles on his wrists and hands him off to another working member of the coven. "Here. Arrested for theft. I saw it with my own eyes and the evidence is right here. You know what to do."

"Yes sir!" The coven member salutes to their superior officer and takes the prisoner away.

Hunter just slouches when Lilith walks up behind him "Rough day?"

Hunter snickers "Tell me about it."

"You could help me in the office?" Lilith suggests.

Hunter crosses his arms, with his staff in hand "And sit around and stare at papers all day? Yeah!" He says sarcastically "I dream of it."

Lilith shrugs because she knows the witch is right. It's not her favorite but the work has to be done "Well, you could meet with the head coven leaders today? I was supposed to have a meeting with them but I'm behind on all my exciting paperwork."

Hunter's interest piques "What's the meeting for?"

"Just the monthly checkup. Just making sure everything is running smoothly."

"I don't know." Hunter thinks for a moment, scratching his blonde head "What's Luz doing today?"

Lilith chuckles and rolls her eyes "Oh, she's resting today. She was up all night at the skull. Actually, everyone is resting but me. I am truly envious of Edalyn right now. Don't ever tell her I said that."

He waves the witch off, showing he doesn't care enough to tell the Owl Lady "At the skull? Don't you idiots know about Talus?" Hunter starts to walk to his office and Lilith walks with him. Each member they pass stands tall and salutes, then goes back to whatever they were previously doing. "I'm pretty sure Luz was with me when we learned about him with King. I mean I already knew he existed but I wanted to hear what that rat had to say. Turns out nothing I didn't already know."

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