Talus Trip

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This message is for readers 21+... 

Take a shot for every time you read the word boulder... 

Also, long chapter. I didn't feel like making it into two chapters.
And I just wrote it to have fun and get back in the swing of things. Can't wait for winter break! Enjoy!


Willow hung up her scroll and tried to dial Luz's scroll. No answer. 

Then she tried Gus. No answer.

The witch fixed her round glasses and threw her head back in annoyance "They really had to go off without me?" Willow pulls her gaze from all the wondrous plants she's presented with and heads off to where she last saw Luz and Gus. 


Meanwhile, Luz lies on the big boulder in the center of the Hallucinoppy grove and stares into space while Gus is standing as still as possible, just to the left of Luz. They are currently higher than the clouds.

"You're not listening Goober." Luz says "I actually believe that frogs can talk. I mean, the way they look at me. I feel like they're just trying to tell me something and I just can't seem to communicate with them."

Gus chuckles "FrOgS. Such a silly word. FfFfRrOoOoGsS."

Luz laughs along with the illusionist "FROGS!" She yells causing the two to burst out into a peal of hysterical laughter. "They definitely have a little froggy kingdom in a different realm!"

Gus holds up his hand to his face "I can't feel my face. Because. It's your face I'm really touching."

Luz touches her face as a result and gasps "You're right! Can you feel me touching yours?"

Gus' eyes go wide "I can! Do you have magic?"

"I have paper." Luz pulls out a glyph "And I just draw a weird symbol and poof! Magic!"

"I can do magic." Gus attempts to draw a spell circle but nothing happens "Oh no! I'm not magic anymore!"

Luz laughs to herself "You're high Gunner. That's why!"

Gus looks at his hands again "Ohhhh yeah! But how did we get on this boulder?"

Luz lifts her head "Is that where we are? Huh. I have no idea!"

The two fell silent as they heard a loud rustle in the bushes surrounding the area. The two looked in the direction of the movement. Luz sat up while Gus just stood still, both waiting for something to pop out "What are the odds the cause is something that's going to kill us?"

Gus shrugs "One million percent. Knowing your luck."

They both laugh and Luz lets out "Yeah!"

But instead of running or even remotely moving, they stay in place just staring. Then Willow emerges from the bushes, seeming to be a bit mad "I have been looking for you two for forty-five minutes. Not only are Amity, Eda, and Lilith on their way, but you two are high off these dumb Hallucinoppies!"

Luz smiles "Mittens! My Mittens!" She throws her head back onto the boulder "I love her so much! Do you think she knows that?"

Gus shrugs "What even is love?"

Willow shakes her head "Oh no! We are not getting into that topic!" She takes a step into the grove and immediately grabs her chest "Woah." She takes a moment to inhale "Do you guys feel that?" She questions while looking up towards the two high on the boulder.

"Willow!" Luz exclaims "Are you high too? Get up here and join the party!"

Gus claps happily and Willow shakes her head while scoping the area "No, I'm not high! No, this is something else." Willow grows uneasy "Ok, you two get down from there. We have to meet up with Amity!"

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