Except the young heroes hiding at each corner of the intersection, eyes glued onto that familiar logo.

"They're here." Costa tapped the button on the communication mic lodged inside her right ear. It crackled a bit before she heard a reply. A gruff voice spoke out, "No shit, night light."

"Don't get smart with me- we're on a mission." Costa couldn't help but grin with her reply. Night light, that one was funny- and fitting given the situation they were currently dealing with. She focused back on the truck as it turned left at the intersection, toward the Western side of the building. Costa inched forward, her booted toes pressing into the small corners of the window ledge.

"Just turned into the damn alleyway..." Bakugou muttered. Tsunami's voice followed quickly. "Wait for Kamui's signal."

"Yeah, we know." Costa's lips curled into a snarl as she replied harshly. She'd spent the day ignoring Tsunami, knowing if she were to try and speak to the girl- nothing nice would come out. Bakugou knew it too, brushing the girl's smiles off and sticking close to Costa instead. Costa appreciated the obvious rejection as well as the implied statement that he only intended on being "friendly" with her.

It appeared he was good at validation as well.

"What do you see Bak- Dynamight?" Costa asked, losing sight of the truck after it took a quick right turn into the alleyway her and Bakugou had previously scouted. He was silent for a few seconds, most likely observing their actions before his voice filled her right ear again. "They look like boring old delivery men- they're going into the cellar right now."

"Does it look like there's light coming from the door?"

"Yeah, some." He replied, shuffling in the background. She glanced up to see a tinge of movement from the rooftop, a dark figure amidst the shadows. "Careful," She warned him, "Don't make yourself noticeable."

"Yeah, I fucking get it." Her growled in response. "Don't tell me what to do."

"Then stop putting yourself in situations where I have to."

"Stop being a pain in my ass."

She chuckled fondly, leaning her cheek against the brick. "Never."

"You bicker like a married couple." Tsunami stifled a laugh on the other end. Costa pursued her lips as the line went dead silent. Her cheeks heated slightly and she thanked Mother Nature that it was cooler out tonight. She imagined Bakugou had reacted the same way, except with a clicking tongue and tainted cheeks.

"They're coming out-" The line went quiet for a few seconds. Costa picked at her nails in anticipation before he said. "Holy shit, that's a lot of snow."

"Snow?" Tsunami piped up. "What snow?"

"He means drugs," Costa rolled her eyes in annoyance. "So you actually see the stuff?"

"No, they're hiding it in flour sacks- smart but not smart enough," She could hear the cocky edge in his tone. "I'm ready to blast these motherfuckers, my palms are already tingling."

"Hold your horses, firecracker-" Costa shook her head in amusement. She couldn't help but feel this well of happiness whenever he'd say something that was just... such a him thing to say. "Kamui still needs them to close for the night before we make our way in."

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now