1.Boring death, venturing afterlife

Start from the beginning

The cold stone under his fingers was the dais, located in the centre of the splendid dome, adorned with golds and reds, seen only ever in old grand temples.

The vertigo in his head was rocked aside by panic.


The rabble of eyes came alive, breaking the massive organism into separate individuals, each with their own pair of eyes with hope and thrill swirling inside, each with their own mouth and set of teeth, sometimes not complete anymore, fully shown in an absurd smile. All this galore of feelings directed at his puzzled eyes.

His slanted grey irises were often mistaken for colourless, when without emotion. Just like monochrome pictures seemed more dead than the coloured ones. They were like muddy water that was left to rot for so long that it became dry and grey in a dull way. That water seemed to be always disturbed and thus veiled with mud rising up from the depth. It was a king of a lost gaze, always distracted and searching, looking beyond people as if they were see-though and beyond earth, unchained by attachments. Those eyes were heavy on person's back, staring straight through. While every human wanted to be clearly seen and recognised, this one gaze humbled them to stay invisible. This very dreamy gaze was now confused more than usual, searching around for a way out. The body followed the straying eyes and climbed up to flee. The eyes seemed to forgot to wait for their fellow body parts and run ahead, the body desynchronised and fell forward. Legs didn't listen, hindered by the stuttering connection. They left foreign. Longer, straighter and scrawnier.

He braced himself for the impact and squeezed his eyes shut. However the expected encounter never came. Cold of marble floor altered to warm flesh. Someone cushioned his fall with their arms and pulled him up. Thoughtfully leaving his hands on his body for support in his dizziness. The man made a point of being considerate and respectful, as he always did. That's how his brothers in belief saw him, as a exemplary gentleman, adorned with all main gentlemanly features: wisdom, beauty and kindness. This image was carefully nursed by him everyday to the point of being perfect, almost saintly. However this time was special, and so he had to remind himself to be specially considerate and fixed the best of his smiles, "Is your lordship alright?"

His voice was as flawless as his manners. Caring and soft, but wrapped in power.

Shi Shuan scrunched his head to look up at the owner of the gentle arms.

"What is this magnificent place? Is this heaven?"

It wasn't a hospital, nor familiar room, or even a morgue. You cannot blame him for assuming this to be heaven, because this wasn't like anything any mortal had ever experienced. The dead should be dead. That was the sacred truth of every belief, in Buddhism and Christendom alike.  So who can explain how a clinically, practically and virtually dead person is now walking among humans? No scientist has ever demystified the great mystery of afterlife, so how can a mere, young human try? Since ancient times, all that has been unknown was called divine, and this remained unchanged through the millennials of human progress. Where science failed, people were doomed to return to belief and that was the young human did.

Belief was also reflected in the eyes of the crowd gathered around the confused youngster. Both him and them could not believe what was before them, but their miracles were clearly different.

"The great lord has blessed us! A miracle! The great lord has heard our prayers! Salvation is nearing!"

They repeated those words like a mantra, to convince themselves to believe. Louder each time, as if to make sure they can not only hear it but feel the words vibrating through their whole bodies. Their shouts were progressively wilder with joy and audacity and finally their content became unrecognisable, barely even human. Shi Shuan's heart was racing, He didn't know why they did that, he was overstimulated. His eyes were racing across all this madness taking place. A person fell to their knees laughing. A group of them had tears swell in their eyes. Next time he swept his gaze through them, a person's eyes rolled back and he watched in horror as their body fell back, limp like a rug doll.

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