Chapter 38 (Astrea Record) Unforgettable Search for Justice

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Bell: It doesn't feel like the normal Orario. It's as if the whole town's been grieving over-

Rin: Hey is that...

Everyone then saw that Sora was meeting up with Ryuu at the front of Babel. They all look confused when they saw that Ryuu was also holding a banquet of flowers on her hand and they all decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Sora: Hey, sorry for the wait...

Ryuu: Its fine. I just got here myself...

Sora: Well shall we go...?

Ryuu nodded her head and the two of them went inside the dungeon, they were both holding flowers and as Bell and the others were about to follow them, Hermes stopped them.

Hermes: Hello, Bell, everyone. What a coincidence. Why are you all following Sora like that...?

Hestia: Hermes!!

Rin: You're holding flowers too?

Bell: That's a lot of them...

Hermes: There are a few places I have to stop by today. To give thanks and sincerity to those who have left us this day.

Welf: This day, as in...?

Hermes then look at them confused.

Hermes: Right. I know that Bell and Rin barely got here. And Hestia descended to the mortal realm 7 months ago. But what about the rest of you? When did you all arrive at Orario.

Haruhime: I arrived at Orario, 5 years ago.

Welf: 3 years ago...

Mikoto: 2 years ago...

Lili: I've been here my whole life...

Hermes: Then Lili should know what day is today. What happened 7 years ago in Orario. It was the darkest time in the history of Orario- the Dark Era.

Everyone all look confused, but Lili's eyes widened as she remembered about what happened 7 years ago.

Lili: T-That's today?!

Hermes: Yes!

Lili: I'm sorry, Lady Hestia, everyone! I have somewhere I have to be!!

Lili then left everyone in a hurry and everyone look confused, but Hermes continue to share the story.

Hermes: A lot was sacrificed- A lot fought the war- A lot grieved over huge losses- It all happened during the Great Feud that occurred in the middle of the Dark Era, 7 years ago.

Bell: The Dark Era, huh...

Rin: Sora mention it once. There was this group called Evilus and they're involved right? A group like a cluster of every evilness you can think of. And during that day, when all thought was loss, one single swordsman managed to create a miracle and end the Dark Era.

Hermes: You are correct, Rin. And do you know who that swordsman is...?

Everyone started to think who that swordsman is until Bell's eyes widened.

Bell: You don't mean...?

Hermes: Yes, it was Sora...

Everyone looked at Hermes completely and utterly shocked. To think that Sora was the one that stooped the Dark Era of Orario.

Hermes: He along with the believers of Justice fought against such great forces. But the believers of Justice are long gone.

Hestia: They're gone...

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