Chapter 13: This is War

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When the others left, I waited for an hour before I leave. I didn’t attend my class after I got out of the clinic. I head on the rooftop and let myself get some fresh air. I should really work on my temper because having this kind of temper will really get me nowhere. If Dylan didn’t talked to me, none of this would have happened. He should’ve ignore me and pretend that I didn’t exist like when we’re practicing soccer. He usually ignores me and he tend to talk to the guys who are popular than me. I usually talked to the guys who they say are the ones that doesn’t really excel or those who are least good in playing it. What bothers me though, he likes Kate. That kind of playboy doesn’t deserve someone like Kate. She’s innocent and kind, she’s not like those slutty girls that you could just get with one blink of an eye. She should be treasured and Dylan doesn’t do that. He’s a playboy and being entitled by one means, he really is. He will just play with Kate’s heart and ruin it like some piece of trash. I won’t let Kate be in the hands of Dylan Winters. Even if Kate doesn’t want me or even will like me, it’s okay as long as she won’t fall for some playboy guy like Dylan.

I stare at the sky and let out a heavy breath. Getting some fresh air usually help me get of my mind off things but in this case, it didn’t. I really like Kate and I really care for her. She’s the first girl that made me feel like this. She reminds me of the girl that I used to like back then but that girl already left because she went in the city, together with her family. The girl that I used to like and Kate have this similarities that I recognize.

“What is happening with my life?” I said.




I can feel other people looking at me as I pass through the hallway of our school and I know it was because of the wounds I have in my face. The wounds on my face aren’t just simple scars and it was evident that I had gotten into a fight.

“Dylan.” I heard someone called my name. I turn my head to look who it was and it was Sofia. She’s the girl that I used to flirt with. Since the day that I confirmed that I have a girlfriend, there are only few of those girls that I used to flirt come and talk to me. It was because some of the girls understand how I am serious of having a girlfriend but there are still some girls who doesn’t hesitate and still bugs me.

I’m serious with Kate and I won’t let anyone comes in my way. She have this worried looks plastered on her face as she walks towards me.

“What happened to your face? Are you alright Dylan? Want me to help you?” She touches my hand, acting casual and as if she doesn’t know that I have a girlfriend.

I shove her hands away from me and tried to stay calm. I smiled and answered, “I’m okay. I’m sorry but I have to go. I’m not feeling well.” I turn my head, avoiding any more conversations. In my surprise, she pulled my arm. She didn’t fail to get my attention because my eyes are now focused to her.

“Are you avoiding me? I know you have a girlfriend but we’re still friends right?”

Accidentally YoursNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ