"Oh, I see." Amity uttered, not really knowing what to say. She began to fidget with her free hand, flexing her fingers absentmindedly.

Luz glanced down at Amity's free hand and gently squeezed her other hand. "Hey Amity."

"Hmm?" Amity hummed, turning to face Luz in question. Luz leaned up and kissed Amity's cheek. "Nothing, I just love you."

Amity froze, face heating up despite the cold. She composed herself and laughed. "I love you too Luz, I see you're trying to fluster me huh."

"What? Me? Flustering you? Never." Luz exclaimed in a mock surprised tone.

Amity's ears flicked up in doubt. "Right, sure, you're really lucky you're cute."

Luz giggled. "And you're lucky you're adorable, oh look we're here." She exclaimed happily as they walked up to the arcade. Amity followed after her as she was dragged along.

The entire environment changed when they stepped into the arcade. Amity blinked her eyes slightly at the sudden change in lighting. The entire arcade was essentially only lit up by a few well places neonish lights that she was sure were there to give the arcade more of an identity.

"Okay Amity you pick a game and imma go get the tokens." Luz stated quickly.

"Uh but how are we going to find each-" Amity didn't have time to finish her sentence as Luz zoomed off towards the front counter of the arcade. Ah well Amity might as well stay here and wait for her then.

Amity looked around the arcade, scouting out games that she would like to try with Luz. She couldn't help but think back to the last time she went to an arcade, god she hopes that won't happen again.

"It won't happen master, it hasn't happened in nearly a month."

I know, Amity thought, but still, it's a possibility and I really don't want to have those thoughts here, I'm gonna have a nice time with Luz and that's that.

"Ah well, maybe with me here it won't happen? I mean I am a separate part of your conscious so maybe I can block whoever is trynna make you see things?"

Amity paused for a moment, Alpha's reasoning actually made sense.

"Hey, cariño? Is everything alright? You look like Boscha in math class." Amity jumped at hearing Luz's voice from behind her. She turned around and sure enough the brunette was standing behind her, a curious look on her face as she held two blue cards in her hand.

"A-ah I was just thinking about something, don't worry it was nothing important." Amity let out awkwardly.

Luz raised an eyebrow but didn't comment further. "Hmmm alright, also here's your token card, you're paying for the food though."

Amity laughed. "It's only fair, now what game do you want to play first Luz?"

"Oooooh I think they have hoops here somewhere, come on." Luz enthusiastically held Amity's hand and led the girl along the arcade, looking for the game she had just described. Amity chuckled to herself at Luz's enthusiasm, thinking of how cute it was.

Luz stopped in front of one of the hoop games and turned to Amity. "Do you want to take right or left?"

"I'm good with either side." Amity shrugged, taking the left side.

"You're going down Blight." Luz teased, grinning at Amity as her ears twitched up.

Amity raised an eyebrow, swiping her token card on the machine to start the game. "In your dreams Noceda."

Seemed that they were in fact in Luz's dreams, cause she ended up winning, and Amity couldn't even find it in herself to be angry.

As soon as the buzzer went off, announcing the end of the game Luz jumped up and cheered at seeing the ending score. She had gotten 20 points, beating Amity's measly 17 points.

Luz grinned and turned towards Amity with a raised eyebrow. "Told ya you'd go down." Amity rolled her eyes, trying to contain her smile.

"That doesn't mean anything, these games are all rigged."

Luz laughed, pecking Amity's cheek softly and pointing towards a set of machines at the center of the arcade. "No cariño, those are the rigged games."

Amity hummed. "Ah well, fine I'll give you this one."

"Ah yes thank you so much miss Blight, it is an honor to have my skill recognized." Luz dramatically stated, bringing her hands to her heart. Amity chuckled at that, before gesturing towards the rest of the arcade.

"Well, do you have any other games in mind?"

Luz nodded towards one of the ends of the arcade. "Oh I know they have some alien games back there, we can play those."

"Sure." Amity nodded. "I know they have some where two people can play so yeah we can try those."

As Luz followed Amity towards one end of the arcade she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Luz reached down and brought her phone up so that she could see what notification she had got. Upon seeing that it was a text message from her mother she froze.

Amity glanced back and saw Luz staring down at her phone with a stressed expression. "Hey Luz? Is something wrong?"

Luz looked back up and shook her head, pocketing her phone. "Ah no it's nothing don't worry. Just, email stuff ya know. Anyways come on let's go find that game yeah?" Amity decided not to press and allowed Luz to lead her through the arcade.


"Wow I really am playing into the beaten old lady stereotype huh."

Eda sighed, taking a sip from her beer bottle. She had decided to go to an old bar in town after her discussion with Lilith and her apprentice seeing as she had nothing else to do. What with Luz going out with Amity and King somehow having fallen asleep early.

"Ah well, you make it work for you Eda."

"Huh?" Eda turned around, eyebrow raised as she wondered who would even talk to her in this joint.

The person behind her was clearly a camazotz, if the bat ears proved anything, but there was something oddly familiar about them. Eda squinted as the person sat besides her. "I feel like I know you from somewhere-"

They chuckled, eyes crinkling with mirth. "Wow Edalyn I'm hurt. You don't remember lil old me?"

Eda glanced at the person's teal colored hair and instantly knew. She grinned. "As if I could ever forget you raindrop. Nice to see you still in one piece, how've you been?" Sure outwardly she sounded calm and collected but internally Eda was a mess. Raine? Here? With her? Well wasn't she lucky.

Raine laughed, rubbing the back of their neck nervously. "Aha, well, I see you're still as flirty as ever."

"Only with you." Eda teased.

"You're incorrigible, but it's nice to see you again Eda." Raine stated, smiling at Eda despite the blush that was creeping up their face. "Well, I know we haven't spoken in awhile but do you want to catch up? Seems we have time enough and...beer enough? I don't think that's the saying but yeah that."

Eda chuckled, she had forgotten just how cute Raine could be.

"Of course, care to go first?"

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