New enemies, new information

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"Boscha honey are you alright? Mashallah, you're fine, unless you aren't. Did anything happen? Did the people who took you hurt you? I'll destroy them-"

Boscha tried to wiggle out of her mother's grip as the woman hugged her. "Ow, umi I can't breath."

"Mrs. Stuart I think Boscha might actually be turning blue-" Amity stated jokingly. Luz pulled on Amity's finger and pouted. "What?" Amity exclaimed.

"Let her have her moment, she hasn't seen Boscha in weeks," Luz whispered. Amity glanced back at Boscha and her mother before shrugging, she supposed Luz was right.

Boscha eventually rolled her eyes and buried her face in her mother's shoulder. "I'm fine umi, they didn't hurt me, physically at least."

Her mother pulled away from Boscha and smiled as she cupped her daughter's face. "I-We'll talk about this later bacha okay? For now, you're just gonna go home and rest."

"Hmm but mom-" Boscha was about to whine when she saw the worried look in her mother's eyes. She sighed and nodded. "Okay." She turned back towards Amity and Luz, smiling. "Aight guess that's my cue to go, see ya later nerds."

Amity rolled her eyes but waved at Boscha. "Yeah, try to stay out of trouble until you're fully healed."

Boscha winked at her playfully. "An attempt will be made, bye."

Boscha's mother turned to the two werewolves and smiled. "Thank you both for taking care of Boscha."

"Heh, we didn't do much Mrs. Stuart," Luz stated nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Still." Boscha's mother said. "Thank you, send my hello's to Edalyn as well."

Luz waved as Boscha and her mother stepped into their car. "We will, have a nice rest of the day."

The two watched as the car sped off down the street. Amity turned towards Luz and cleared her throat. "So Luz, do you want to maybe watch a movie with me?"

"Oh are we having a date night thing?"

"D-date?" Amity sputtered, blushing at the thought. "Haha, well, if you want yeah sure, a date."

Luz grabbed Amity's hand and led her back inside. "Okay then, what do you want to watch?"

"Uh." Amity let out as Luz took her up to her room and began setting her computer up on the bed. "Well, there's this new movie on netflix, um fear street? I heard it has good scares."

"Wait really!?" Luz exclaimed. "I've been wanting to watch that for ages! Yeah let's do it." She let out excitedly, pausing when she saw the surprised look on Amity's face. "Oh, was that too much?"

Amity shook her surprise off and shook her head. "NO! No, no no I was just, I didn't think you'd want to watch it but yeah I'm glad you want to."

"Of course I'd want to, I like spending time with you. Anyways I'll get the movie set up do you want to go get some snacks from the kitchen?" Luz asked.

"Huh?" Amity questioned. "Oh yeah sure, just give me a second." She stated before exiting the room and heading down towards the kitchen.

King was curled up on the sofa, sleeping soundly with a pile of his stuffed animals surrounding him. Amity smiled softly at the sight, okay she would admit that she may have a soft spot for the little demon, it was very easy for him to grow on someone.

Amity began heating up some popcorn when her phone rang. She checked the caller ID and grimaced at seeing that it was her father who was calling. Cautiously she pressed the accept call button and held the phone to her ear. "Hello?"

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