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"So you're sure that you didn't mean what you said?"

"Yes, I'm fucking sure! I didn't hear the question correctly okay?" Amity hissed urgently at Skye who shrugged as they stabbed at the food in front of them. "Look am, don't take this the wrong way okay? We believe you but the rest of the school doesn't have your side of the story, all they saw was a video of you basically saying that you slept with Luz."

Amity groaned and pressed her head against the table where she was sitting. "Why do these things always happen to me?" Skara glanced at Skye before gesturing towards Amity's phone. "Can't you just ask Boscha if she sent the video? This doesn't seem like something she would do especially not now."

"We don't know that she's always been a stickler for drama," Amity muttered bitterly. Skye slapped their hand against the table, momentarily startling Amity. "Don't say that am, you know that Boscha would never do this to you. She's your best friend, remember? I shouldn't need to remind you of what she would and would not do."

Amity ran a hand over her face and sighed in shame. Of course, Boscha wouldn't do that, the girl had definitely not been in the right mindset to even think of doing that to Amity, and besides, Boscha might have a complicated past with bullying but she wouldn't do this to Amity or Luz.

"You're right, sorry," Amity mumbled. Skara patted Amity's back. "It's fine Amity. I can't imagine being in your position right now." Amity hummed, glancing around at the cafeteria and glaring at the people who were staring at her.

Skye pointed they're fork at Amity and asked in a serious tone. "So, you really do like Luz then?" Amity rolled her eyes. "Yes, I do. But it doesn't matter now cause she's obviously going to break up with me and hate me for the rest of my life."

"Okay let's not jump to conclusions." Skara said, she was not used to seeing Amity give up this easily with...anything really. "Look, just tell her what you told us okay? You didn't send the video and it was taken out of context, I'm sure she'll understand if you explain."

Amity hummed in defeat. "I don't know, she said she wanted space so I'll give her that. It's just...if she wants to break up with me I'd rather she just say it straight up instead of letting me get my hopes up." Skye rolled their eyes at that. "Come on Blight, you're a total catch and besides, you didn't know about the video so it's not your fault. Just apologize to her and you'll be good."

"It isn't that easy Skye." Amity mumbled. Skara sent Skye a stern look and nodded. "Amity can't just go up to her and apologize-"

"Thank you Skara."

"She needs to make it a huge thing okay? To really prove to Luz that she's sorry. With balloons and everything." Amity looked up at Skara in disbelief. "What? No!"

Skara sent her a skeptical expression. "Don't you love her? You're bonded right, so you should be willing to do anything to get her back."

"Well, anything is a very broad description-" Amity tried to explain but Skara cut her off before she could finish. "Would you do anything to get her back?" Amity tapped her fingers against the table and nodded mutely.

Skye clapped their hands together and laughed. "Okay then, operation get Amity her girlfriend back is a go."

Amity was about to say something against that when she saw Luz walk into the cafeteria, the girl's eyes were downcast and she seemed to be avoiding eye-contact with everyone. Amity's grip on the side of the table tightened when she saw a group of students approach Luz.

Luz glanced up at the elf that was standing in front of her with a grin and sighed. "Hey, is there something I can help you with?" The elf sneered and mockingly tapped his chin in though. "Hmm, you know what yeah you can help me. You can help clean up this place by leaving, it's much easier if the trash takes itself out you know."

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