Chapter 23

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"You are making that up, that didn't happen" Skye insisted while laughing.

Loki shook his head, finishing off his second drink.

"No, I swear it's completely true" Loki insisted.

"You and your buddy dressed up as women and tried to have a wedding with a giant?" Mack said with a laugh after listening to Loki's rather outlandish story of a time he and Thor had to take pretty desperate measures to retrieve Thor's hammer.

"Exactly. The saddest part is that the giants believed it. I shutter to think what kind of women they're used to if my friend passed as attractive" Loki joked with a chuckle.

"So when you were in disguise did you wear a costume or did you shape-shift?" Fitz asked, trying to get a mental picture of the whole event.

"I shape-shifted, it's just easier. But my friend said he'd rather just put on a costume" Loki said.

"Can we see?" Fitz asked.

"See what? Me as a woman?" Loki clarified.


"Not while I'm sober" Loki chuckled.

Mack reached into the cooler again.
"Well then here, have another beer" he tired to pass Loki a third bottle but Loki held up a hand and shook his head.

"No I think two is quite enough" He said definitively, a little surprised at himself for staying this long and having a pretty good time.

"Well I think Loki definitely won the weirdest escape-plan category" Skye commented through laughter. When Loki decided to stay he didn't think he'd stay for long, and he certainly didn't think he'd enjoy himself, but he ended up being wrong about both.

"Speaking of weird escapes, I have a question for all of you" loki announced, which got everyone's interest since he rarely was the one to pose questions. No one said anything but Loki knew he had all their attention so he continued "back... wherever it was that I was being held captive by Elijah, right before you busted in for the rescue I made a whole speech about how you'd be there any second, then I did a countdown and you came crashing in at the exact moment I finished. How did you manage that?"

Mack smirked a little bit.

"Technically we didn't. We actually showed up at the beginning of your speech, we just thought it would be pretty cool if we came in right as you cued us, so we waited outside the door"

Loki shook his head, and for the first time since meeting him the team got to hear him really laugh.

"So You all just sat there and waited for me to give you a cue?" He clarified with a hint of laughter left in his voice.

"If we thought you were getting hurt obviously we would've come in, but you were making such a dramatic speech we didn't want to interrupt" Mack told him, also laughing a bit, but mostly because Loki had laughed and it was a bit contagious.

"I respect your dedication to the dramatics" Loki quipped "but maybe-"

May entered the room and Loki stopped taking and gave her his attention.

"Wheels up in half an hour. Are you all still telling stories?" May had left not long after Loki sat down to join the team so she could make sure everything was ready to go.

"Loki Dressed up as a woman" Fitz said, trying and failing to stifle a laugh.

May didn't seem to me fazed by the news and Loki just chuckled again.

"We're leaving in half an hour, let's get moving" she repeated "also, Piper and Davis will be joining us" she added before leaving the room, not caring to comment on Loki's experience in cross-dressing.

Prince of earthTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon