Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Jemma Simmons was obviously very excited to have the opportunity to examine someone like Loki up close, but a lot of her excitement dissipated when she realized what poor physical condition he was in. When she asked him to move to the hospital bed he cooperated, but he walked with a limp. She started paying attention to his state and noticed that his clothes were damp and quite dirty, his right eye was dark and swollen, and when he pushed himself up to sit on the hospital bed, she caught sight of his wrists, which were still suffering from being burned by the ropes in Asgard.

"Why are you all wet?" Loki wasn't expecting her to ask that. He was anticipating her asking what he is or where he's from.

"Oh, that's... it was raining when I got here. To earth I mean. I just haven't had time to clean up" he explained. Jemma was displeased to hear that, upon meeting and Alain life form, her coworkers' first instinct was to treat him like a prisoner instead of a guest. She knew they needed to be careful, but they should've at least given him some dry clothes rather than just dumping him in her lab all wet and dirty.

"Alright. Well before I get started then how about I get you some clothes and you can have a shower" she offered, gesturing to the door of the lab.

Loki knew he should probably be skeptical, but a shower sounded fantastic, and Jemma was so warm and friendly that he didn't really feel that she was manipulating him.

"That would be great. But are you allowed to let me out?" He asked her.

"Of course I am. It's my lab" she said.

Though Loki doubted the truth in her having the authority to let him out, he didn't questions it as he really did want to get clean and Into dry clothes.

He nodded and got up and followed her out of the lab. He tried to watch her type the key numbers to open the door, but she stood in his way and he wasn't able to see.

"The showers are just this way, not too far" Jemma said as they left the lab and she started to lead him down a corridor.

There was a surprising lack of guards down the corridor. Loki half expected these halls to be similar to the ones in Asgard palace, But they weren't. They passed a few agents on the way, but no one gave them any issues.

"The showers are just in there. Take as long as you need. I'll leave some dry clothes for you" Simmons said when they came to a door at the end of the corridor.

"I'll be here to take you back to the lab when you're finished" she added. Loki nodded a bit.
"Thank you Dr. Simmons" he said as he opened the door.

"You can just call me Jemma" she said with a smile as she walked back down the corridor.
Loki went into the shower room and grabbed a towel out of a cubby and went to a stall. He wasn't really used to this; just a long room with a row of showers lined up in stalls. But he didn't really care either, as long as he had hot water and could wash the Asgard grime off himself he'd be satisfied.

There was a small bench in the stall -maybe a foot and a half wide and eight inches deep- and then a plastic curtain separating the actual shower. He dumped his clothes on the bench and hung the towel on a hook on the door, then got into the shower.

He tried to hurry. he told himself he was hurrying because Jemma was waiting for him and she'd been really nice so far so he wanted to not take forever. But the reality was that he had to hurry so he didn't have too much time alone with his thoughts to realize that he'd left Asgard for good. He could never go back, everyone he knew or loved was far out of his reach now and he could never undo that. He was stuck here on earth for the rest of his long life and he knew that if he stopped and dwelled on that idea for too long he might just go crazy.

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