Chapter 31

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Loki stood frozen in place, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to even think as he watched the brutal enemy poor into the last world he could have ever called home.

He was staring for a moment before he finally pulled himself out of his horror stricken trance. He turned to the team and they were all surprised by the calmness in his face; he wasn't afraid or horrified, he was calculating.

"Stark, I need that shield system finished immediately. Even if it only works for a day we need defenses" Stark nodded, still staring up at the Sky like everyone else.

"On it"

As Stark dashed back inside Loki turned to his team.

"Skye, I need you to get some kind of emergency alert to every phone, computer, anything that can tell people to evacuate the city." He turned to Coulson "Coulson, we need authorities setting up a perimeter around the city to contain the chitauri as much as we can" he turned to Fitz and Jemma "we're going to use base as a refuge for anyone who can't make it out of the city. I need you both to be getting people to safety and tending to casualties" finally he addressed Mack and May "we're going to have to slow them down as best we can. Fitz developed weapons that can take them down in one shot but were horrifically outnumbered so we need every available SHIELD agent out there helping us fight"

No one was a bothered by Loki taking charge, in fact, everyone was glad he did; to have someone giving orders who knew something about the threat made everyone feel like they at least had a fighting chance.

The entire team fell into action without waisting a second; Coulson immediately got in touch with backup forces, Simmons got the base ready for mass casualties, and as may, Natasha, Mack, and Loki ran out to the street to defend the city Natasha tossed Loki and earpiece.

"Put that I'm so we can stay in contact" she ordered as they split up and went to war.
Loki put the mic in his ear and then grabbed his gun and shot at anything that wasn't human.

Lokis ears filled with the sound of people screaming in fear and sirens blaring as authorities attempted to aid in the fight. One moment New York was a normal city, and the next it was a flaming battleground in a war between a barbaric race bent on domination and a people who barely knew alien life existed.
The chitauri wasted no time, and gave no chances for anyone to prepare to fight. They knew the humans weren't ready, even with all the help from loki or SHIELD, and they didn't hold back as they wiped through the city leaving a trail of destruction. Within minutes vehicles were over turned, buildings were set ablaze, people fled and the ones who couldn't did their best to hide, and all the while the best Loki and SHIELD could do was try to defend and protect.

"Loki, most of the people have evacuated the city but there's a few areas where big groups are boxed it" Loki heard Sykes voice in his ear as he wrestled an angry chitauri to the ground and snapped its neck

"How can you tell?" Loki asked, scanning his surroundings for citizens being cornered. The area felt familiar and he knew he had to be close to home.

"City surveillance. There's a few of them closing in on-" Skyes voice cut out and Loki was thrown forward when an explosive was set off. His ears rang and he could only hear muffled voices over the coms, but he pulled himself up off the pavement and turned around to see what was attacked. He felt a pit form in his stomach when he realized it was the building he lived in that was bombed.

"Skye I have to go. Get a car to my building" Loki told her before running as fast as his legs would Cary him toward his home.

There were plenty of buildings going up in flames, and while Loki wasn't overly sentimental about his apartment, there was something inside that building he knew he needed to save.

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