Chapter 1

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Loki ran through the forest as fast as his horse would run. He knew Thor would be close behind, in fact he was counting on it,  but even though he wanted Thor to eventually find him, he had to make sure the timing was right; Thor couldn't find him until he was gone.

The horse struggled to move quickly through the tangled ground of the forest, but Loki didn't let him slow down, he needed to hurry. Finally, he arrived in the clearing he was looking for, the clearing near the portal he could escape through.

"Loki!" Loki could faintly hear Thors voice call for him. He had time, but not much, Thor would be here any second.

Loki jumped off the horse and tied him to a branch and looked around for something to take his place.

He was fully prepared to kill the first rodent that passed by, but he was lucky enough not to need to; as he was making his way toward the portal entrance, he saw a dead wolf. It had clearly been mauled by a larger beast, and its remains would make for a perfect substitute.

Loki dragged the remains out to the clearing as quickly as he could and dumped them in the center, then cast a spell to make it look and feel just like himself; a perfect double.

He needed to make his double look dead, so he plunged his knife into the neck of the fake Loki. The double wasn't an illusion, but a matter of true shape shifting, so when Loki stabbed it, blood gushed out in streams. Loki shoved it away from him and stood up. He was ready to go, no further reason to hesitate.

He left the clearing and went to the portal.

He felt the rapid thumping if his heart against his chest; he knew he'd never be back here, this was the last glimpse he'd see of his home. He'd never see his brother again, and no one would ever come looking for him. Even the portal wasn't visible, the only way to find it was if you already knew where it was, so no one would even be able to see it and follow him through. After this, he'd be totally alone in a new world. Again.

He heard thor calling for him again and he knew his time was up. He took a deep breath and looked in the direction of Thor's voice

"Goodbye" he said in a whisper, then slipped through the portal.
Immediately his body felt tingly and he was engulfed in bright flashes of color, like he was being being shocked repeatedly but only slightly. He didn't enjoy it but it also didn't last long; after just a moment Loki fell through the portal and landed painfully on his shoulder.

He didn't know if the reason he couldn't hear anything was because he was in the middle of nowhere, or because of the loud ringing in his ears.

He groaned and tried to get up but his elbow buckled under his weight. He laid on the pavement for a few minutes, his head still foggy, but he was slowly starting to notice that he was laying in water, and the loud cracking coming from above was thunder sounding after flashes of lightning.

He tightly shut his eyes and shook his head, his wet hair whipping his face as he pushed himself up to try and figure out where he was. The ringing in his ears was subsiding but his head ached form the disorientation of falling through a portal. He hadn't taken the portal from Asgard to earth in A very long time, but this was the only place he could go. He was on the run and every other realm but earth knew who he was and wouldn't hesitate to execute him.

He looked around but everything was dark. He was on a road leading... somewhere. He didn't know where the road led or started, it seemed to stretch on forever in both directions, and there wasn't a person or sign of civilization in sight.

He also had absolutely no idea where he was in earth terms. He hadn't been to earth for over two hundred years, and he knew a lot had changed since that time.

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