Chapter 32

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Loki stood in the middle of the street expectantly. The chaos and destruction continued around him as he stood there looking up at the sky waiting for Heimdall to open the bifrost and a powerful army to show up to help. But the sky stayed as it was, no bridge opened, and no army came.

Loki stood there waiting, confused why nothing was happening.

"Heimdall?" He scanned the sky waiting for something to happen. "Heimdall come on! I'm not kidding!" He shouted at the sky.

"Loki... are you okay?" Natasha asked, starting to get a little concerned.

Loki glanced at her but ignored her question.
"Heimdall I know you can hear me! Come on! You're making me look really foolish here!" Loki yelled up at nothing while Natasha watched on with growing concern.

"Loki, how much smoke did you take in there?"
Loki shifted his eyes from the sky to Natasha and walked toward her looking quite angry.

"I'm not crazy" he said firmly "Heimdall is watching, he's always watching and listening, he's just ignoring me" he insisted, but Natasha was certain he'd lost it. Maybe he hit his head or maybe he was just breaking under the intense pressure to save literally the entire world, but she was worried about him, and the chitauri weren't about to stop attacking so Loki could work out his issues.

Natasha put a hand on Lokis shoulder and put her other hand to the com in her ear.

"Simmons I think Loki has a concussion, I'm bringing him in-"

Loki cut her off by smacking her hand off his shoulder.

"I'm not injured!" He snapped at her, then looked back up to the sky. "You picked a really bad time to abandon me Heimdall! I thought you said you were on my side!" He screamed angrily, then Natasha watched as the anger in his face quickly changed to desperation as he stared into the sky.

"Heimdall... please. Help me" Loki stood looking up at the sky for a moment and then very abruptly felt a falling sensation in his stomach. He closed his eyes to keep from getting dizzy and then in an instant the feeling stopped and he opened his eyes again, now on Asgard.

"Why are you ignoring me?!" Loki yelled at Heimdall when he saw him. Loki knew this wasn't real and that Heimdall was communicating telepathically, but he still wanted to waste no time getting to the problem at hand.

"You need to stop wasting your time talking to me" Heimdall told him sternly.

"I need your help!" Loki yelled, getting more mad now that Heimdall was acting like Loki was just trying to chat and not desperately seeking help. Yes he could come up with plans to fight this enemy, but Asgard's army had always been a safety net in the back of Lokis mind, and now Heimdall is taking that away "We can't fight them off on our own, we need Asgard's army, so get Thor and-"

Heimdall cut him off.

"And tell him what? That you're alive? That's you've been hiding out on earth? That you let him mourn you, and cry for you while you've secretly been alive? And what of the people? What should I tell them about you deceiving them to escape?"

Loki didn't seem to be moved by Heimdall words in the slightest.

"I don't care what you tell anyone. Just get the army here, tell thor whatever he needs to hear just get him here!" Loki yelled in exasperation.
"I'm sorry Loki but I can't do that" Heimdall told him definitively.

Loki became enraged.

"What?! Why?!"

Finally Heimdall just snapped.

"Because I won't sacrifice you for earth!"
Loki couldn't remember ever hearing Heimdall yell, and he was sure Heimdall had never yelled at him personally before. "I won't let Asgard come and find you and execute you as a traitor. Not unless I think there are absolutely no other options" Heimdall quickly regained his usual calm air, but Loki was still a little bit shocked.

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