Chapter 45

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Loki woke up to his alarm and groaned in annoyance before turning it off. It was Tuesday, which had very quickly become a day Loki just didn't want to experience anymore. He looked at the time and saw that he only had an hour of freedom left before he had to be at Dr. Garners office for his second round of therapy.

Loki showered, got dressed, ate a quick breakfast, Then left his apartment and got a cab to Garners office.

When he got there he was greeted by Garners receptionist and was able to go immediately into the office.

"Good morning. good to see you again" Garner said when Loki entered the office.

Loki wasn't exactly pleased to be there, but he tried not to be rude.

"Right, yeah, good to see you I guess" Loki replied very insincerely.

Garner knew Loki wasn't here by choice so he didn't take offense to his tone.

"And how has your week been? Still living with your team?" He asked as he took a seat and gestured for Loki to do the same.

Loki sat down and shook his head, then glanced up at the clock on the wall to take note of the time.

"No. I moved back to my apartment on Friday"

Garner nodded.

"And are you enjoying having your own space again? I imagine it was getting a little cramped living on base"

Loki was obviously disinterested and didn't try to hide it.

"Yeah, I was glad to get home" he said shortly.

Garner took a breath. He knew Loki wasn't happy to be here and he wanted to be patient, but Loki was making it hard.

"Loki I know you don't want to be here-"

Loki cut him off before he could finish the point.

"You're right, I don't"

Garner just nodded and continued his point.

"But we can't make progress if you don't cooperate a little bit"

Loki scoffed and shook his head.

"I don't need to make progress. I'm not here to make progress, I'm here because I have to be. I don't want to be here"

Garner was determined to get some kind of productive conversation out of Loki during this hour.

"And Where do you want to be?"

Loki laughed a bit bitterly.

"Anywhere else" he said sarcastically "as I've said before I made a lot of enemies on Asgard, so many that I was forced to leave. Well right before I left I was tortured for three days. Because of the crimes I'd committed I was shackled to a frame in the city center and the people were encouraged to gather and beat the life out of me in any way they wanted. I was barely given anything to drink, I didn't eat, the sun was a lovely addition, and that was all on top of random angry people coming forth to beat me up until they couldn't take another swing. I really thought I was going to die by the end, it was agonizing. But I can honestly say I'd rather be back there than sitting here enduring this"

Loki couldn't quite tell if he was getting under Garners skin or not, but he didn't really care either. Garner nodded calmly and Loki noticed for the first time that he had a notepad on the table next to his chair and was jotting something down.

"Well That's a bit extreme. Why would you rather be suffering than here?" Garner asked, looking back up at Loki.

Loki eyed the notepad for a moment, but didn't say anything about it.

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