Chapter 18

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The room was quiet. Loki's head hung low while he drifted in and out of consciousness, having not been able to fall asleep since he got there. He heard the clanking of the bolt on the door being undone and he looked up to see who was coming in.

"I'm just a consultant, I'm not an agent... I can't tell you anything" Loki mumbled robotically. He'd repeated that sentence too many times since he'd woken up here, it's all he would say when they asked him questions.

"If I hear that phrase one more time-" Loki didn't let Elijah finish his thought.

"You'll what? Torture me?" Loki looked up at him "well breaking news my friend, you're already doing that. You can't threaten me, you're already doing your worst" Loki wanted to sound tough, but he was tired and in pain and his face was smeared with blood, so all his words came out tired and a bit slurred.

"How about I kill you?" Elijah challenged. He was irritated and surprised when he heard Loki laughing at the threat, even if the laughter was a bit rough.

"Kill me? If you could kill me you would've done it already, you need me and you know it, you won't kill me" Loki retorted, he kept looking up at Elijah when he spoke, but every time he was finished he dropped his head again.

"I don't need you, I can find someone else to interrogate" Loki just shrugged and didn't bother to lift his head again.

"Go ahead then... once I'm dead it won't be my problem anymore"

Elijah grabbed Loki under the chin and forced his head up.

"You talk a lot. You talk so smugly and arrogantly, but look at yourself, you're falling apart. You're hurting and we both know it, so stop pretending none of this is affecting you" he was angry and Loki knew it. Loki knew that anyone would be enraged if they failed to intimidate a prisoner.

"You think this is messy?" Loki challenged "I've been beaten senseless by angry Asgardians more times than I care to admit. I've been horrifically tortured on more than one occasion, so trust me when I say this is nothing. I'm tired and bruised, but I've been through a lot worse for a lot longer. I can take this as long as you can" he knew he was pissing Elijah off by talking down to his own pain, but he had indeed been through worse and wasn't close to breaking.

"You know what..." Elijah let go of Loki and stood up "unfortunately for you, I believe you.

Sending Darren in here to beat you some more won't help me. He's been beating you for twenty-four hours now and we're no closer to getting what we want" he was making his way toward the door, Loki was trying to fight feeling nervous but he was already bashed up and Elijah obviously had a plan.

Elijah opened the door and waved someone forward, and too quickly Rain joined them, looking far too happy to be there.

"Rain has been dying to take a crack at you" Elijah turned Rain to make her stop looking at Loki and instead face himself.

"You remember the rule?" He asked. She nodded and looked back at Loki with the crazy glee in her eye that she had when she announced she wanted to pull
His teeth.

"Don't kill him" She recited, to which Elijah nodded.

"Good. I'll be back later to check on you" he started toward the door and Loki felt his adrenaline rush.

"Wh- hang on, wait, you can't- she'll kill me if you leave" Loki tried to mask his fear but it didn't work.

"Well think of it this way, once you're dead it's no longer your problem" Elijah said as he walked out and locked the door behind him.

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