Chapter 28

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Des was supposed to pick Loki up and bring him back to work on Saturday morning, but when Loki woke up he decided he was getting a little tired of SHIELD being involved in every little part of his life, so he told Des he'd just get himself a cab to get there instead and walk a little ways if he needed to.

As soon as he got to base he dumped some things off in his on-site quarters and then went straight to Coulson's office.

"Catch me up on what's been going on" Loki said a bit more demandingly than he intended as he entered Coulson's office. He knew the situation was bad and was eager to get back to fixing it.

Coulson looked up as Loki entered and looked a bit taken aback, but not entirely surprised by Lokis dominating tone.

"Welcome back, did you have a nice few days?"
Loki took a breath and tried not to be rude, but he was a bit annoyed that his eagerness to work was not being appreciated, and his tone came out a little sarcastic.

"Yes, I had a lovely time. I read a book and drank tea and almost died trying to relax. Now that you know how I've been up to will you catch me up to speed on what's been happening here?"

Coulson didn't change expression and just stood up.

"Not one for small talk are you?" He said as if that wasn't painfully obvious. It was so obvious that Loki didn't even bother answering and Coulson was forced to speak again.

"We've contacted another consultant, you'll probably be meeting him in a few days. We've also been in contact with other SHIELD bases to make sure they're all upping security to try and weed out other imposters. Mack even got Henry to give up a few more people working for the other and we were able to take them captive" Coulson explained. They'd gotten a lot more done than Loki had anticipated, and he felt a lot better about the hands the world was in.

"Good. Where is Henry? I want to ask him a few more questions" Loki said.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible. Henry and everyone else we've taken has been sent to the Fridge, A SHIELD detainment facility" Coulson told him.
To Coulson's surprise, Loki immediately looked bothered by this news.

"Wait hold on, you sent everyone to a prison? What about Rain?" Loki's voice was a mixture of alarm and urgency.

Coulson looked at Loki a bit skeptically.

"What's so special about Rain?" Coulson didn't try to mask his confusion at Lokis concern.

"Well there's obviously something wrong with her, she should be somewhere where she can get help" Loki argued rather passionately.

"They're trying to take over the world, I think an argument could be made that there's something wrong with all of them" Coulson countered.

Loki shook his head.

"It's not the same thing. Henry, Daren, Elijah, they all want power and control. They know what they're doing and why they're doing it. Rain... she's just been exploited. I'm not saying she should go free, she's obviously dangerous and violent, but she can be helped"

Coulson was quiet for a minute after Loki finished talking.

"Rain didn't go to the Fridge. We sent her to a different facility, one where she can get the psychiatric help she needs. She might not be released, but we didn't abandon her"

Loki felt relieved, more so than he thought he would.

"Right, good. So what did you bring me in for then?" Loki changed the subject pretty abruptly, and though the rest of the team would probably have wanted to camp out on the subject of Lokis sudden surge of empathy, Coulson was fine to move on.

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