Chapter 2

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Loki woke up with a low rumbling sound filling his ears. When he gained consciousness he felt fine, his head was clear, the only pain he was in was the pain he'd brought back form Asgard, and there was no sign of bleeding or bullet wounds. It seemed he'd taken no injuries even after being shot five times.

He laid there for a minute and looked around, though there wasn't much to look at, he was in an empty, tiny white room with nothing in it but the bench he was laying on that he presumed was meant to pass as a bed. The room was small, maybe five feet by eight feet, but there was a window on one of the walls. Loki assumed it must've been night since the window was blacked out, but he sat up anyway to investigate his surroundings.

As he went to the window he understood his situation a little better; he realized that he wasn't in a room, he was in a box, and the box was on an airplane. The low rumbling sounds he'd woken up to must've been the engines, and he could see the pilot up ahead, and of course the biggest giveaway was the large front view of the clouds. He figured he was in some kind of cell when he realized how large the plane was and how small his space was.

"Hey" he called to the pilot while patting the glass with his palm to get her attention. She ignored him.

"Hey!" He called louder. "Where are we going?" He asked loudly, wanting to make sure she could hear him. She again Ignored him.

Loki sighed in frustration.

"Listen, I haven't done anything wrong. Why am I being held prisoner I haven't even been here a day, what crime could I have possibly committed?" He asked. She seemed to not have even heard him. He was getting annoyed and her not responding to him was just making it worse.

"Answer me!" He yelled as he pounded the wall of the cell with the side of his fist. He didn't expect and answer, he was just fed up. He thought he was escaping by coming to earth but he'd just moved into a new prison. And he didn't even know why. The humans didn't know what he'd done on Asgard or other worlds, why was he locked up?

He sat back down on the bench in the cell and just sat quietly.

After a pause the pilot looked over her shoulder at Loki. Loki saw her look slightly peeved, then she flipped a few switches and got out of her chair and walked over to him, her arms crossed. Her face was stone cold even if her complexion was warm, and her lack of physical height didn't stop her from having an air of power and command, like she knew she could take him out if he tried anything she didn't like.

"Listen" she finally spoke after ignoring Loki for so long "I don't know who you are, nor do I really care. I was sent to pick you up and bring you back to base, so that's what I'm doing" she explained with an icy tone. The lack of expression in her face was a bit disconcerting; Loki had no idea what she was feeling and he didn't like it.

"And where is this base that you're bringing me back to? Why was I taken in the first place?" Loki asked. He wasn't even mad, just tired. Tired of prisons and locked doors and his past that wouldn't stop chasing him around.

"You were taken because we don't know what you are or where you came from. We need to make sure you're not a threat to our world" she told him. Loki was surprised to learn that the humans had apparently figured out that there is other life on other worlds. They seemingly figured that out thousands of years ago, but then they took it too far and told everyone the non-earthly being were gods, and eventually any acceptance of other life was brushed off as old myths. Apparently they'd turned that around again.

"Listen, ma'am, I'm not a threat. I understand that you want to keep your world safe, but do you really think open firing on someone as soon as you find him is the best way to do that?" He wanted to have serious words with whoever it was that gave the order for everyone to shoot at him. She dropped her arms to her sides and took a step closer to his cell.

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