Chapter 67: Two Worlds Coming Together to Kick Ass

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CW: monster hunters, blood, death

Virgil almost tripped again, grabbing Patton's wheelchair for support. His legs and arms were covered in plants, and using magic to make them move was starting to get tiring, but he couldn't give up now. The cloak was still wrapped around him, and something solid in an inside pocket bounced against his leg.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Patton asked as Darrell whined in worry.

"N-no, bu-but I h-have t-to b-be," Virgil responded, his whole body trembling in fear and from the strain of walking.

"We should be hiding, we can't help. You can hardly walk, and I can't even do that!"

Virgil ignored him. "Th-the ca-campsite... i-is th-this w-way, r-right?"

Patton sighed, "Yeah..."

The fairy nodded. "Th-thanks... y-you don't-"

"No, if you're going then I am. I doubt I could stop you, but you also can't stop me from following."

Virgil smiled as he continued walking. The sound of fighting was getting louder, and the campsite had to be just around the corner. Was this a bad idea? It probably was, but it wasn't like they could hide any longer.

All three of them jumped at the sound of gunfire, leaning towards the wall as bullets flew in front of them from around the corner. There was a familiar shout, followed by several unfamiliar shouts and a bright light.

Roman stumbled backwards and into view. He looked over, his eyes widening as he saw them. His hair was falling into his eyes, and there was a scrape on his cheek, blood stained the collar of his shirt. Before any of them could say or do anything, he was tackled to the ground by a hunter.

"Roman!" Virgil shouted before he could stop himself. He held a hand out and the plants shot forward, grabbing the hunter. It wrapped around him and tied him up, pulling him off of the witch. Roman coughed as he took a deep breath the moment the hunter's arm was off of his neck, sitting up again. Darrell ran over to him and tackled him, giving him a bunch of kisses.

Virgil tossed the hunter aside, still wrapped up in plants like a green mummy. He looked back at the witch in worry just as he got up and ran over to them, Darrell at his heels now.

"What are you two doing here?! It's dangerous, you need to leave now!" he warned.

"C-can't," Virgil told him, shaking his head.

"The house isn't safe anymore," Patton explained. "They busted down the door and found us."

"Then find some other place to go to! You guys can't fight!"

Virgil frowned. "Y-yes I c-can... I-I ju-just s-saved y-you."

Roman took his arm, holding him gently. "And you can barely walk! You're exhausted, I can see it."

"An-and y-you?" Virgil raised his hand to Roman's cheek, lightly touching the bruising cut. The witch still flinched at the pain, but didn't pull away. "I-I can he-help."


"Roman, just let us help," Patton interrupted. He looked over to where the hunter had tackled Roman, seeing a revolver that he had dropped. He went over and picked it up, opening it to see it was still full. Six shots, that's all he's got until he can get his hands on more ammunition. "We'll be able to help."

Darrell barked in agreement, clearly on their side after seeing them being able to take care of themselves. Plus, he just wanted to fight the monster hunters.

"You're also going to be targeted the most."

"Good thing we're not going to be alone." Patton turned his wheelchair to face the battlefield, seeing several hunters being attacked by werewolves and vampires. It really was a bloodbath... The hunters had already managed to chain up several monsters, a werewolf was trying to protect an injured vampire who looked like they were going to pass out, blood covering them. Another vampire was trying to wake up a werewolf that just wasn't moving... "Come on, they need our help too."


Kayda jumped when she heard the scream, looking over and seeing the monster hunters rushing forward. People ran and ducked for cover, others ran to leave. Most could barely move from their injuries, but still tried to hide.

A dragon growled at the hunters, getting low to attack, but the hunters already had their chains and guns out. One hit the dragon with the butt of their rifle, making Kayda's eyes widen in terror. Chains were thrown around them, and one was tied around the muzzle to keep it from burning them.

Kayda grabbed a basket that was full of fruit and ran to them, hitting one of the hunters in the back of the head making him drop the chain. The dragon tugged on the others and Kayda scrambled to get the rifle off of the hunters back before they recovered.

The moment she had it in her hands, she swung it like a bat and hit the hunter again. Once they were down, she pulled the trigger back on the gun and pointed it at another hunter. They looked up at her in shock just as she shot them, hitting them in the chest.

She heard footsteps come towards her and she turned to see hunters trying to stop her. She used the rifle as a baseball bat once more, hitting one of them before another grabbed the rifle. They played tug of war for a moment before the dragon charged and tackled them to the ground.

Kayda looked around to see other humans and magical creatures fighting back against the monster hunters. They worked together, Elliot and Logan found a rope from somewhere and tied up a monster hunter who was still squirming. Mrs. Miller gave Cynthia a wooden stick, holding one herself. Griffin ducked under Mr. Miller, pushing him onto his back so they could work together.

And even some more, Kayden kicked a monster hunter that got too close to his rear before helping Sidney up. Melany pulled a wooden piece off of a stand and hit another monster hunter that was rushing towards them with a chain.

Kayda felt the dragon brush against her side with a small pur. A smile reached her lips as she scratched the dragon's head, feeling the soft scales under her fingers.

"How could anyone want to hurt a gentle creature like you?" she asked softly. Looking up once more, she saw more monster hunters rushing into the town square. She looked down at the dragon again, who was growling at them. Gently she brushed her hand against the dragon's back. "May I?"

The dragon looked back up at her and nudged her side with another purr before bowing their head. She smiled at their consent before climbing up.

"Thank you." She lifted the rifle in her hand. "Now let's charge!"

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