Chapter 32: And When We Kiss I Sw- What Do You Mean They Don't Kiss?

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CW: teeth rotting fluff ;)

"Okay, so wind magic is a hit or miss with most people," Roman explained, sitting criss crossed on the rock. "Some people find it really easy, while others find it hard to control the wind. I have a feeling you're going to be a natural though."

"What makes you say that?" Virgil asked, reaching towards the ground to pick up a dead leaf. He glanced up at the blue snapdragons that Roman had put around their spot a week ago, letting himself feel safe.

Roman held up his own leaf. "Because you're a fairy, wind magic is natural to you guys. Especially if you've flown before."

"I-I guess. I mean, I mostly focus on moving my wings whenever I fly, keeping myself in the air. It gets a bit tiring, like running or lifting heavy objects for too long."

"That makes sense, but haven't you ever noticed that you use magic whenever you fly? Like, the wind moves how you want it to?"

Virgil scratched the back of his head. "I mean, I haven't flown in a while and I don't normally have enough time to."

"Oho, okay," Roman laughed with a smile. "First show me your wind magic, then I gotta see you fly."

"I can fly just fine! I'm just a bit rusty is all." The fairy crossed his arms. "Besides, something tells me wind magic isn't your strong suit."

"It's easier than ground magic, but no I'm not the best. However I'm a jack of all trades kinda guy, so I don't need to be the best at everything."

Virgil rolled his eyes before holding the leaf upside down over his left hand. "Okay, let's see if I really am a natural at wind magic."

Roman rested his elbow on his knee, leaning his chin into it. "I'm sure you'll do fine."

The fairy dropped the leaf and watched as purple magic came from his hand, mixing into the air in a small vortex that kept the leaf suspended. The dead leaf twirled around, going up before Virgil lessened his magic, making it spin back down at a comfortable distance from his hand.

"See! Natural. Now I gotta see you fly!"

"First let me see your wind magic." Virgil let the leaf drop to the ground, Darrell jumping at it and trapped it under his paws. The fairy pet him as he continued to smirk at Roman.

The witch groaned. "Fine!" He held out the leaf before opening his hand, purple magic coating it. The magic shot up, a bit too high and a bit too fast. The leaf was propelled into the trees above, and both watched for a moment before a stick cracked and came down.

Virgil caught it with his wind magic, keeping it suspended in the air just a few inches from his head. "You're not... that bad... You just used too much magic at once," the fairy told him with a slight laugh.

Darrell jumped at Roman, making the witch move out of the way with a small shout as the fox grabbed the stick in his mouth. He grew to the size of a horse, his fur turning to gold and silver again as he tore the stick from the wind vortex.

"I can see he's gotten better at using his gift." The fairy stood up and walked over to him as the fox snapped the branch, laying down and trapping it between his paws as he continued to chew on it.

"It's cool except sometimes I wake up with him laying on top of me like that," Roman explained.

Darrell yipped at him, his voice louder than before.

"I can't breathe when you're on me! You're too heavy!"

The fox grumbled slightly, his voice whiney.

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