Chapter 26: Roman and Virgil are Both Oblivious

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"Alright, Randsted should have taken all of the produce and left already," Mrs. Miller told Virgil. "I think you can head back to the stand."

"Thank you for letting me stay here," the fairy sighed, his wings folded around himself. "It still feels like it was only a few weeks ago when they last attacked me."

"Well, it was only a month ago. Plus, that was a traumatic experience I can imagine, so I'm sure it's still fresh in your mind. Do you need help with your... wings?" Mrs. Miller hesitantly looked at the leather straps Virgil had sitting next to him. She's always hated them, as most do, but even more ever since Roman had voiced his concerns.

"No, I have it. Thank you though." The fairy grabbed them and started to bind his wings down.

The older woman sighed, "I'll be in the front if you need anything."

"Okay." Virgil nodded as she turned and left, just in time too since the bell that was above the door rang, signaling someone had entered.

The fairy finished buttoning his vest back on when he heard a familiar voice greet Mrs. Miller. Virgil looked up in joy when he recognized Roman's voice. He quickly threw on his cloak and left the living room, turning the corner to see the witch on the other side of the counter.

"It's a good thing you brought these herbs today, we just ran out," Mrs. Miller finished saying, setting aside a wicker basket full of different colored herbs, all tied up in bunches. She grabbed an empty basket and gave it to Roman, who just put away a small purse in his bag.

"Glad I came out today then," he responded, looking up. His eyes lit up when he saw the fairy. "Virgil!"

"Hey Roman," Virgil waved, heading over to the counter as Mrs. Miller turned to him. "I was just about to head back to my stand." The fairy went around the counter, taking off and putting the chain back.

"Oh nice! And I was just finishing up with the lovely Mrs. Miller."

"Oh stop," the alchemist told him with a wave of her hand. "You are too kind."

"Only to the best people." Roman threw the empty wicker basket onto his shoulder. "Well, I need to get some food. Want to walk with me?"

"Sure," Virgil agreed, rubbing his arm slightly. "Patton should be fine on his own for now, I'm pretty sure Logan's still down there with him."

"Probably, I sent him down there an hour ago to get food and he's still not back," Mrs. Miller added. "I knew I should have sent my husband. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole town knew Logan and Patton are together."

"They do make a cute couple, you have to admit," Roman commented.

"They're the sweetest. Well, I don't want to hold you two long, you head on out now and I'll see you next time." She shooed them out. "I have work I need to do anyway."

"Alright, oh- and Darrell really liked the recipe you gave me, he says thank you!"

"That's good to hear, I'm glad he did. I'll be sure to give you another next time, bye now!"

"Thank you, have a great day." Roman waved before taking Virgil's hand, leading him out of the house.

Mrs. Miller chuckled when she saw a small blush rise on the fairy's cheeks. "Oh those two, they're falling hard and they don't even realize it."

"What recipe did she give you?" Virgil asked as they walked down the street.

"It was a chicken pot pie recipe," Roman explained. "Darrell doesn't like eating too many vegetables, but I don't want to be the only one eating them. Do you want me to send you the recipe?"

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