Chapter 5: Is That Everyone?

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Patton was practically bouncing in his wheelchair behind their stand. They had finished picking their harvest and were selling in the market today, and Patton loved it. He hardly got to go to town, sometimes he would come with Virgil to go shopping but he mostly stayed home. So selling at the market was always his favorite thing to do.

Virgil on the other hand hated it. At least in the fields he could let his wings loose, but spending all day at the market hurt. His wings made his back uncomfortably hot, and they were just aching to stretch.

He tried to hide his discomfort, but it was getting harder with each passing minute. He told himself that it wasn't that bad, that he just had to get through one more customer and he can take a break after every customer. He really didn't want to leave Patton so soon, he should be able to last longer.

Patton noticed though and sighed. He put his hand on Virgil's arm after the last customer left and tugged slightly so the fairy would lean down.

"What is it?" Virgil asked.

"Why don't you go take a break? I can hold down the stand while you're gone," he suggested.

"No, I'm fine." That was an obvious lie. "It's not even lunch time yet."

"I know, but your... you know." Patton whispered as quietly as possible.

"Pat, I'm okay. I'll let you know when I need a break." The human frowned as Virgil turned back to outside the stand, seeing someone walk over.

He folded his arms together as he watched his brother talk to the customer, trying to think of an excuse to get the fairy someplace private. He smiled as he thought of one. "Hey Virgil, do you think you can go get some cold medicine from the Millers? I think we ran out."

Virgil gave the customer a bag of potatoes, putting away the money they were given. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. I can handle the stand for a little bit, I promise."

The fairy sighed, giving in. "You're the best. I'll be back."

"Take your time!" Patton waved to him as Virgil left the stand.

The fairy made his way through the crowds, waving at people who greeted him and trying to slip past those trying to sell things to him. In little time, he made it to Logan's home. The house was two stories, and the downstairs portion was the shop, at least the front of the house was. It was blocked off from the rest of the home so no one would wander through the rest of the home, they had it renovated shortly after moving in.

Virgil walked in, smiling at the familiar scent of herbs. They grew some inside in small pots, giving the home an earthy smell. He saw Mrs. Miller talking to a customer from behind the counter.

"Don't you worry, we'll have the rest of the pills made by Monday," she told them. "These should hold you out until then."

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much my wrists have been killing me lately. We're lucky to have such smart and kind people like you," the old woman said.

"It's our pleasure, take care now."

The woman turned to leave, and Virgil gave her a small smile before slipping past. Mrs. Miller lit up when she saw him.

"Virgil! Let me guess, you and your brother are selling today?" she asked.

"Yeah, and I just need a small break I guess," Virgil admitted sheepishly, rubbing his arm.

She unhook a chain that kept others from going towards the back, gesturing for Virgil to come in. "Well why don't I make you something to eat. I'll need to send one of the boys down to get some food from you two, I love the corn you grow."

"You better send Mr. Miller and not Logan, otherwise he'll get stuck there flirting with Patton all day."

Mrs. Miller snorted, "You got that right." She placed the chain back before leading Virgil to the living room, the walls closing the room off for privacy. She shut the curtains as Virgil undid his cloak. "Mr. Miller and Logan are upstairs making some medicine. It's crazy how much medicine a small town like this needs."

"Well, we are all farmers. We practically live in the dirt and end up getting hurt somehow." Virgil shrugged off his vest before undoing the leather straps.

"No kidding, we're going to have to up our game and start learning other medical practices like stitching and what not." She watched as Virgil stretched his wings out, being careful not to knock anything over. "I don't know how you're able to stand all those layers in this heat, it's a miracle you haven't gotten heat stroke yet."

"Well, maybe it has something to do with me being a fairy. Maybe it's harder for me to get heatstroke?"

"I suppose, you don't get sick often either. Or... at all really, I only remember you being sick when you first arrived here and that was apparently iron poisoning."

"Don't remind me, that was a horrible month. For more than one reason."

Mrs. Miller ruffled his hair. "I know dear. I'll go make you a sandwich, and one for Patton when you leave too, how does that sound?"

"It sounds nice, thank you Mrs. Miller."

"Okay, just give me a moment dear, you rest up." She turned around and left, being sure to close the door.

Virgil sat down on the couch and started fixing his feathers, keeping his wings open and stretched out. He sighed sadly, trying to use glamour to make them invisible. He was only able to hide one of his wings, and he could still see where it laid on the couch cushions. If only he knew how to control his magic better, then he wouldn't need to bind his wings and take breaks. But the most he could do is hide the tips of his wings that stuck out from the vest, and even then he has the cloak to help with that when it gets too hard.

He smiled when he heard Mrs. Miller's footsteps come back. At least there were some people who helped him when it got hard. He will always appreciate them and what they do for him.

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