Chapter 12: Imagine Being Able to Read

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The moment Virgil had gotten home with the book Roman had given him, he started reading it immediately. Each chapter was about different kinds of magical creatures, and it was the first time he had seen a book that didn't refer to them as monsters. Not that he's seen many stories written about them, well the kind that talks about the species and not some horror story a human had written to scare children.

He flipped to the section about fairies first, reading as Logan and Patton were in the kitchen talking about who knows what. Virgil didn't care, he just wanted to learn more about himself.

He already knew that fairies had empathy and elemental magic, and he knew they had illusion magic, but they apparently had magic over minds. Not in a mind control type of way, well they can influence the mind in small ways, but they can also erase or replace memories. They can also show their own memories to someone else, or see someone else's memories. Virgil found it so interesting to learn about all of that, but he doubted that he would use that type of magic himself. He wouldn't even know how to use it.

Then he read about how there were apparently subspecies of fairies, aside from feathered fairies, there were kinds with insect and scaly wings. Even more rare, there were kinds that had bat-like wings with fur instead of scales or feathers. He had a distant memory of someone explaining this to him, but he must have forgotten.

He couldn't help but remember plenty of things about his colony that had done as he read on. Fairies were nomads, constantly moving in giant groups or colonies. He remembered helping to pack his things, wrapping clay items in clothes to keep from breaking. He and other younger children packed smaller and lighter things, each with their own pack while the adults carried the heavier things. They even had horses to help pull carriages that they had bought from humans.

Virgil remembered occasionally going into a human town, and his parents helped hide his wings. He remembered them trying to teach him how to use his glamour, but only on smaller objects. They would use glamour on something and have him try to take over, their own magic acting as a crutch. He remembered struggling, and getting frustrated but then he remembered his joy when he finally got it.

Before he knew it, Virgil had finished the whole chapter on fairies. Not that there were that many pages, and it was mostly common knowledge, but it made him so happy to read. It was more accurate than any human would have guessed. The memories brought tears to his eyes that he quickly blinked away.

Well, it didn't teach him how to use his magic but he was glad to have read it anyway. Besides, that was just the fairy section of the book, maybe if he reads the other sections he can get some answers, or at least an idea of how to use his magic.

"Virgil!" Patton called, catching his attention from the couch. He sat up as his brother continued, "Would you be okay on your own tonight if Logan took me out to dinner?"

"Oh, yeah I can handle myself. We have plenty of food, and we don't have anything else planned," he responded, flipping to the first page of the book. "Besides, I want to continue reading this."

"How is it, is it accurate at all?" Logan asked.

"Very, I just wish there was more information on fairies in here. I really wish I could learn more about our culture, but this reminded me of a lot. I want to read about other creatures before I return the book though."

Patton beamed. "I can smell a friendship blooming!" he said in a sing-song voice.

"With Darrell maybe."

"What's wrong with Roman?"

"I don't know, he's just weird."

"That's just the awkward introduction stage, once you get closer it'll be less weird. Or even better, it would be a familiar weird!"

Virgil shrugged, returning his attention to his book. "I guess."

"Trust me, once you get familiar with him he's more relaxed," Logan commented. "And by that, I mean he becomes very talkative and loud. He's friends with my mother."

"What?!" Virgil laughed out. "I mean, Mrs. Miller is really friendly, but they're friends how?"

"They've traded different recipes. You know once my mother starts trading recipes, she's deemed you close to her."

"Oh my god! Pat, has he ever bought from us before?"

"I don't remember him doing so," Patton replied, "but I do know that he buys food from Matela. Maybe he gets other food elsewhere too."

"Or perhaps he grows more than just herbs in his garden," Logan suggested.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter as long as he eats," Virgil said. "When do you guys plan on coming back?"

"Um... after dinner?" Patton asked, looking at Logan. "Or maybe later?"

"If it becomes too late at night then you should stay at my house," Logan advised. "It's dangerous to travel at night."

"Ooh, staying over?" Virgil teased, making the two blush. "How romantic."

"Yes, Patton could end up staying over at my home, where I live with my parents."

The fairy faked a gasp, "What are you implying? What did you think I meant?"

"You're impossible to deal with sometimes."

"We should head out now if we're leaving," Patton advised. "It'll take a while to get to town."

"Well, I'll see you two later. I don't mind being alone for the night."

"Okay, then I'll head to Matela with Logan, we won't take Cherry since we're going to leave with Logan's horse, so be sure to feed her later tonight, okay?"

"Will do, have fun on your little date, I'll see you in the morning."

Patton ruffled Virgil's hair as he passed him, though Virgil ignored him as he read the first chapter in the book. "Don't stay up too late reading that thing."

"Don't blame me if I forget to put it down later tonight."

"Don't make me take it."

"Fine!" Virgil groaned. "I'll take a break later tonight."

"We'll see you in the morning, if not later tonight," Logan told him, grabbing his jacket from the coat rack.

"See ya."

"Don't forget to eat!" Patton reminded him. "I love you, bye!"

Virgil smiled. "Love you too."

He continued to read as he heard the door close. The first chapter was an introduction, which was to be expected, and it might have the answers he needs since it talked quite a bit about different types of magic, and what is done to use them.

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