Chapter 35: Seriously, They Act Like a Married Couple

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TW: food, detailed cooking at the end

The muffin box was closed on the nightstand, the muffin wrappers inside to keep Darrell from chewing them up. Virgil had brought Darrell some fish since he couldn't have a muffin himself, though it was eaten by the fox a while ago.

Now the fox laid in Virgil's lap, half asleep as Virgil scratched softly behind his ears. He and Roman talked lightly, the dinner the witch had made half eaten and had gone cold since neither wanted to stop talking, and eventually they cleaned up and went to Roman's room to hang out. Who knows how late it was.

"My brother had wanted a snake as a familiar," Roman recounted with a laugh. "He found one in the forest one day when we were young and trapped it in a box. He brought it home and when he opened it to sh-show me-" The witch broke down into giggles. "The-the snake jumped out and bit my leg!"

"Oh my stars!" Virgil laughed, moving his hand to scratch Darrell's back who purred in response. "What happened after that?"

"Luckily it wasn't venomous, so I was fine. My mother disinfected it and we never saw the snake again. My brother got over it quickly, but I always brought it up whenever he annoyed me. I'm glad we never found the snake again, and that it didn't become his familiar, because I do not want to know what power they would get."

Virgil hummed. "I bet whatever it would be, it wouldn't be better than this guy's power." He turned to the fox and scratched his side vigorously, making the fox chirp loudly.

"He's got the coolest power ever! Invincible, strong, and giant! Though you need to stop transforming while inside, you broke my favorite vase last time."

Darrell barked at him and Roman gasped in offense.

"It wasn't ugly, I made it myself! I was an amazing vase! I was proud of it."

"He's as sassy as he is strong I see," Virgil laughed. "I have a feeling he didn't get that from you."

"Foxes, they're always so mean to me." Roman folded his arms.

"And yet you chose him as your familiar." Virgil picked Darrell up in his arms, laying down and keeping the fox on his chest. Darrell nuzzled into him with quiet yipping.

"And I question why every day." The witch laid down, reaching over and scratching Darrell's back.

"Because he's such a good fox, and the best familiar. I would kill for him, just like he did for us."

"I suppose I would too," Roman yawned, laying on his arm.

"Hey Roman, if you could do anything, anything at all, what would you do?" The fairy looked over to him, meeting his eyes.

Roman hummed in thought. "I think... I would go to the Misty Mountains and peacefully meet a dragon. They're so cool, and strong. I think it would be nice to befriend one. What about you? What would you do?"

"Well... I would like to see the sea. My fairy parents told me that I was born by the ocean side, and I really like water, but I don't remember the ocean. I want to see the giant bodies of water again, maybe swim in them."

"They're a lot of magical creatures in the water."

Virgil smiled. "That only makes it even better. I would love to meet other magical creatures. Well... the ones that won't want to eat me that is."

"That does sound nice. Now I wish I could take you to the ocean, even if only for a day."

"I'm okay where I am though, I'm happy here." Virgil closed his eyes as he turned to yawn.

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