Chapter 8: Patton and Logan Go Parent Mode

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Virgil's anxiety was starting to get bad. The sun was setting and his home just came into view, he couldn't imagine Patton's panic right now.

Roman had given him a stick to use as a walking stick, and it did a decent job but his leg still hurt with every step. There was no getting out of explaining that one. The witch walked beside him, along with Darrell the fox that trotted next to them.

"That should be it," Virgil said, gesturing to the house next to the corn field. "Thanks for everything, you should head home before it gets dark."

"I mean, if you're sure you can walk there no problem," Roman responded, sounding slightly disappointed.

"Yup, I got it. You don't need to worry." He wanted the witch gone before Patton saw them, he couldn't find out about the hunters. If he found out the hunters had attacked him, then Patton would never let him out of his sight again.

"Okay- oh, is that your brother?"

Virgil looked over slightly panicked to see someone leave the house, clearly looking over. "Logan, oh shit. I'm going to get an earful." He saw Patton wheel himself out the door, looking over in their direction. Clearly they both saw them walking down the path. The fairy turned to Roman. "Whatever you do, don't mention the hunters."

"What? Why?" Roman frowned in confusion. "How else will you explain what happened?"

"I don't know! Just don't mention them, let me explain what happened." Virgil turned back to see Patton and Logan quickly making their way over.

"Virgil!" Patton called, moving surprisingly fast. He was there in no time, Logan practically running to keep up with him. "What happened? Why are you so late? Who's this and-? Are you hurt?!"

Virgil pulled his cloak shut to hide the bandages, mentally cursing himself. "I'm fine, I'm okay."

Logan looked at Roman suspiciously. "What are you doing with Roman?"

"Oh, you're Mrs. Miller's son, aren't you?" Roman asked, getting a nod in response.

Patton turned his attention back to Virgil. "What happened?" he asked in probably the most serious voice Virgil has ever heard him use.

"Um, well..." the fairy panicked. "I got you a cool stick?"


"Okay, so I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and..." He squeezed his eyes shut. "I ran into a trap. An iron trap. Okay a bear trap to be specific."


"Um and when I fell, I landed on my wing." That explains that, luckily the bruises have healed. "But it's okay! I'm okay! Roman helped me. I just kinda blacked out for too long."

"That's not okay at all!" Patton shouted. "We need to get you inside, can you walk okay? Do you feel sick? You're not allowed to work in the fields until you're fully healed!"

"I'm okay, really! I can walk."

"Wait, does Roman know about...?" Logan trailed off.

Virgil sighed, "Yeah, he knows about my wings. And me being a fairy."

Roman rubbed his arm. "I do have several questions myself," he admitted. "But right now I just wanted to make sure Virgil got home safely. I try to take down any traps I found, I'm just sorry that I apparently missed that one."

"Please don't tell anyone about his wings," Patton begged. "Not everyone knows, and he doesn't want anyone else to find out."

"Don't worry, I promise I won't. He's already made it clear that he doesn't like people finding out."

"How did you find him?" the alchemist asked skeptically.

"Oh, well, um..." He looked at Virgil in panic. How much was he allowed to say? "I just... followed this guy?" He gestured to Darrell. "He took me to Virgil." Technically not a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth.

Patton awed when he finally noticed the fox. "Well, animals do tend to love Virgil. Thank you little guy."

Darrell yipped in joy, circling Virgil for a moment and making Roman laugh. "Yeah, he bonded to him," the witch explained. "You're probably going to see him around often."

"Would you like to come inside?" Patton asked, making Virgil look at him in panic. "Maybe get something to eat as thanks for helping my brother?"

"Oh, I don't want to intrude."

"Besides, it's getting late," Virgil added. "It wouldn't be safe if he traveled home in the dark, he does live in the forest."

"Oh, that's true, I guess I figured that he was good with animals," Patton admitted. "What with the rumors and all."

"I am!" Roman agreed. Virgil sent him a glare, he did not want the witch to come inside their house. He was thankful he helped him and all, but he still didn't trust him.

"Well, we won't hold you for long," Patton said. "I just have one question... Are the rumors about you being a witch true?"

"Patton!" Virgil shouted.

"If they are, but you don't want to tell us then I would understand! It's okay to lie about that."

Roman couldn't help but smile, he really liked these people. "It's true, but I'm only telling you that because it's obvious you won't try to hurt me. I do ask that you keep it a secret from everyone else, when I first heard about the rumors I almost moved away from fear. I... try to be careful."

Virgil frowned for a moment when that negative feeling became stronger for a moment again. What was it that the witch was feeling? And why?

"We promise we won't tell. Thank you so much for helping my brother," Patton said. "If there's anything we can do to repay you."

"Oh no, you don't owe me anything, seriously. Anyone would have done the same."

"Not everyone," Virgil mumbled quietly, luckily it went unheard, or if someone did hear they didn't comment on it.

"You can come down here any time," Patton told him. "We would be happy to have you."

"Thank you, I should be leaving now," Roman said. "It was nice meeting you, and seeing you again Logan."

"Farewell Roman," Logan told him.

"Come on Darrell, we're going home." The fox barked before giving a small whine. "I know, but you'll see him again I'm sure. I don't think you'll be allowed to stay with him."

Virgil sighed before getting down on his knees, scratching behind the fox's ear again. "I'll see you later, bud. It's late so you should head back to the forest."

The fox cried for a moment before turning to leave. Roman followed with a small chuckle, giving the other three a small wave. Virgil waved bye to the fox, ignoring the witch.

"Okay," Patton sighed heavily. "Are you sure you can walk fine?"

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm sure I just need a night's rest, and I'll be okay again."

"You were caught in an iron bear trap," Logan reminded him. "It's going to take you more than a night's rest."

"Oh, and what the heck!" Patton shouted. "You're usually more careful! How did you manage to get caught in the trap? You're not allowed to touch any of the iron pans until you're healed all the way."

Virgil groaned, he knew that was coming. The rest of the week was probably going to be full of his brother worrying about him. He wished every iron bear trap in the world would melt because now he has to deal with Patton's parent mode.

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