Chapter 3: Patton Likes Gossip Too

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Once Virgil got home, he put their horse, Cherry, back into her stable and made sure she had food. Then he started offloading, not yet seeing Patton and getting a tad bit worried. Logically he knew that he was fine, but his brain didn't listen to logic and as soon as all the food was inside he went looking for him.

Of course he found him fast enough, about halfway done with the corn. Clearly struggling to stand up to reach an ear of corn that was too high for him, Patton was using the cane that stayed attached to his wheelchair. Virgil sighed as he calmed down, walking over and pushed the stalk of corn lower so he could reach it, surprising Patton.

"I was doing fine on my own," Patton pouted, though he was happy to see Virgil back.

"I know you can stand on your own, but you're only so tall," Virgil told him. "But seriously sit down, you've gotta be killing your legs."

Patton sighed as he sat back down in his wheelchair, putting the ear of corn into the cart that was attached to the back of it. "How was your trip to the market?"

"It was fine, I think Miss Kayda tried to set me up with her son."

"Brandon's gotta be gay, or maybe bi. Either way he's not straight, I mean, have you seen the way he looks at Mr. Johnson?"

"Okay, everyone looks at Mr. Johnson like that. He definitely got the good genes."

"Fair. Oh, you didn't untie your wings yet!" Patton's expression morphed into a worried one as he reached over to help.

"I got it! Hold on." Virgil undid his cloak, then quickly took off the vest and the leather straps. He stretched his wings wide, some loose feathers fluttering down. "They're fine, I wish I undid it sooner though."

"Here." His brother reached out for one of Virgil's wings. Once the fairy complied, he carefully ran his hand through the feathers to smooth them out as Virgil did the same to his other wing. "You need to find a better way to hide these wings. Sometimes I get scared that it'll damage your wings so badly that you won't be able to fly again."

"Okay, first off you know that I can heal really fast. A cut that takes a week to heal will only take an hour for me. Second off, I don't think there is another way."

"What about magic? Don't fairies have a type of magic that can change appearances or hide something?"

"Um... I mean yeah." Virgil's fingers slowed down as they fixed some feathers. "I think it's called glamour. My fairy parents used to use it all the time when we were near humans but... I can only hide small things, you know this. Besides, when they used glamour on our wings, they didn't just make them invisible, it was like the wings weren't there at all! You couldn't touch it! I don't know how to do that, I never learned."

Patton sighed. "I wish we could find someone to help you with that, I know it must be hard not knowing how to use your magic."

"Nah, it's fine. I just... won't use my magic. I mean, you humans get by easily enough, it should be no problem for me. Besides, you're the one straining yourself."

"I'm not! You know I don't do that, otherwise I'll be bedridden tomorrow."

"If you say so, but I still don't believe you."

"Now that you're back, you can help out with the rest of the corn." Patton pulled off a loose feather, glad that it came out on it's own. Virgil told him that his wings were super sensitive, at least when they were younger they were, he doesn't like to complain much ever since their parents died.

"Nope, we're not doing any more work until the two of us eat. Besides, I haven't put away the food yet."

"Oh, you got strawberries right? You mentioned Miss Kayda before."

"Yeah, and she gave us some blueberries for free. Wouldn't let me pay for them."

"She's a natural mother, Brandon's lucky. So... what do you think of him?"

"Not my type," Virgil laughed, making his way out of the fields as Patton followed. "Don't get me wrong, he's a good guy, but I don't think either of us would be into the other."

Patton shrugged. "I guess so, but sometimes you never know."

"Oh, by the way, I saw the scarlet man at the market today."

"What?!" Patton stopped, making Virgil turn around to face him. "Ooh! Tell me more!"

"Not much happened, he just walked by."

"He's so interesting! I would love to talk to him! Logan says he's annoying since he's actually talked to him and all, but he finds everyone annoying."

"And everyone he finds annoying, I find annoying, so I know I would hate him."

"Do you know if he has any magic? Don't you have a sense for that kind of stuff?"

"I mean, I guess? I definitely feel... something from him. I just don't know what kind of magic, and if it belongs to him or if it was stolen."

Patton frowned as they started moving again. "You think he stole magic from someone?"

"It's possible, humans are very creative when it comes to that. Plus, something about him feels off, he's always smiling but I can feel something coming from him.
Something negative and distrusting, I don't like it."

"I mean, you seem to have a connection to emotions, don't you? Logan and I have noticed that you can tell when someone's upset even when there's no signs. Isn't that some kind of magic?"

"I don't have the strongest empath magic, I don't know. Besides, why would he hide his emotions behind a smile? Sure he doesn't know anyone, but he doesn't have to smile all the time to hide it."

"So do you think he's a monster hunter then?"

Virgil sighed, his shoulders slumping. "I'm really not sure. Monster hunters, or at least the ones that I ran into seem to always be on the move. He's been here for five years now, he could have just bought the magic from them."

"Yeah but you know not all monster hunters move around like that. There are permanent settlements full of them, and others stay near towns and villages to 'protect' them or whatever. Just promise that if you ever feel unsafe around him, that you'll play it safe and hide or leave?"

The fairy turned to Patton, giving him a soft look. The topic was a sensitive one, and the human was always careful when talking about monster hunters. "You know I'd never let anyone touch me. They couldn't get me before, and they sure as hell can't now!".

"Language, but okay. If you're sure that you'll be fine, then I trust you. All I care about is that you're safe and happy."

"I'm not a little kid anymore, you don't need to protect me."

"I'll always do what I can to protect you. Besides, you still do the same for me. We're family!"

Virgil smiled. "Yeah, I know."

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