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𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐡,

He shook his head as Kaylina pulled his jacket on him, and straightened out his track suit.
"Doing all this just to go home and lay down." He chuckled, as she clipped his bracelet on.

"Either way, you gotta stunt on em bae," She laughed and handed him his glasses.
"And I'm not letting you lay down. You got a concussion and we not doing this again." She shook her head and grabbed their things.

"Yo, you not keeping me up all day. If you wake me up every once in a while then I'll be ight." He shrugged and stood up.
The room started spinning and he grabbed her hand to hold his balance.

"Kay, yo." He mumbled and closed his eyes.
"It's okay." She sighed and held him in a hug to help him gain his balance.

"Shit, my head hurt." He groaned and stuffed his phone in his pocket.
"I'll go and get your prescription, you want something from out or you want me to cook?" She asked as they walked to the elevator.

"Whatever you feel like doing, it don't matter. I just wanna sit down." He shrugged while rubbing his eyes.


"Miah, wake up real quick." She said, shaking him.
"What." He yawned and put a hand on her stomach.
"You gotta sit up for a minute, you hungry?" She asked.

"Yeah." He nodded his head and slowly sat up on the bed, immediately regretting it.
"Them fucking pills don't work, fuck." He sighed and turned the light off.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll bring yo plate up here." She said and kissed him before walking downstairs.
Jeremiah ran his hands over his face. Being in pain across his entire body was the least of his worries, he wanted to know who drugged him.

It either had to be Mel or Jasmine, but he didn't leave his drink near anyone. Not that he could remember. It was eating him alive.

He opened the drawer and looked at the sonograms from the last few months. It's something he did whenever anything was bothering him, just to keep his mind off of it.

"Damn, I can't wait to see you." He chuckled as Kaylina walked into the room.
He hadn't noticed her and continued to admire his baby.
She smiled and blinked back tears. Nothing made her happier than her babies.

"Here, I didn't know if you wanted a soda or nah." She said and handed him the plate of food, before walking into the bathroom and closing the door.

"Okay, thank you." She said, coming out and hanging up the phone.
"I had to change my appointment to tomorrow, they looked at my tests from last time and something is wrong." She sighed and looked down at her stomach.

"They told you what it was?" He asked, pulling her to sit on his lap.
"No, she couldn't tell me over the phone. I-I'm scared." Her voice cracked as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay, baby, both of y'all gon be okay. I promise." He whispered and kissed her cheek.
"You want a muffin?" He asked, but shockingly she shook her head no.
"I just wanna lay down." She mumbled into his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Whatever you want, baby." He pulled the covers over the both of them, and kissed her forehead as he rubbed her back.

As much as he tries to calm her down, you would never think he was panicking.


"Kaylina Wilson? Dr. Marley will have you now." A nurse said, holding a clipboard.

Jeremiah got up and grabbed Kaylinas hand as they walked with the nurse to the office, where Dr. Marley was already waiting.

"Hi, Dr. Marley." She slightly smiled and sat on the table.
"Hello Ms. Wilson, so we were going through your ultrasound results and something was brought to our attention." He cleared his throat, as Jeremiah grabbed her hand.

"We found a brain abnormality that we've concluded is in fact ADHD." He explained, and Kaylina just nodded.

"I don't want to alarm you or anything, but you also need to work on keeping your stress levels down. Your high blood pressure is limiting the oxygen supply to your placenta." He added, scratching something on a piece of paper.

"So um, what does that mean? Is the baby going to be premature?" She asked, holding back tears.
"Most likely, yes. I need you to be on bed rest until your due date, or at least until we can get your blood pressure under control." He sighed, ripping off the prescription paper.

Kaylina looked at the 2 names on the paper, and glanced at Jeremiah who was more stressed than ever.

"O-okay." She mumbled and quickly wiped the tears that were about to fall.
"I'll be sure to get your prescriptions filled and you'll be on your way. Any others questions?" Dr. Marley asked.

The room was silent.

"Okay then, have a great day." He said, and exited the room.
"Just chill out for a second." He chuckled and pulled his glasses off.
"Oh my fucking God." He mumbled and ran a hand over his face.

It seems like it was always something going on, they could never have a break.
"Ight, come on." He said and grabbed her hand to leave the doctors.


"Kay, baby it'll be okay." Briona coo'd, rubbing Kaylinas back as she sobbed.
"N-no it won't, Bri. The b-baby-" She cried, beginning to hyperventilate.

"Wha- yo, Kaylina calm down." Jeremiah stepped into their room and bent down to be on the floor with her & Bri.

"Baby, yo blood pressure, I need you to chill out." He spoke and kissed her cheek.
"I'm about to go get her prescriptions." Bri said, grabbing her keys and walking downstairs.

Kaylina had been crying the entire way home, and had been crying ever since. It's been over 4 hours and she still hadn't stopped.

"J-Jeremiah." She sniffed and wrapped her legs around him, as they sat on the bed.
"I know baby, but you gotta understand we gon get through this. We gon have our little family and we gon live happily ever after." He rubbed her back, in an attempt to calm her down.

"I'm just s-scared. I don't know a-anything about ADHD, and n-now I have to h-help a child w-who didn't even ask to b-be here." She wiped her eyes.

"I always tell you I gotchu. You see all the shit we done figured out by ourselves? We got our own apartment, our own cars, our own jobs and everything between there. Remember we ain't even know how to pay a bill?" He chuckled, making her crack a smile.

"But you see we overcame all of that, and we can do it again. It's gonna be difficult but ima be right here the whole time, I promise." He said, holding out his pinky.

"You're so cheesy." She giggled and linked their pinkies, before they locked it in with a kiss.

"I love you." He said, pecking her lips.
"I love you, too." She smiled.

𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎 𝐊𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐀Where stories live. Discover now