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𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐡,

Jeremiah hissed as the doctor pulled the bullet out of his arm, with no numbing or anything.
He couldn't care less about how he felt, he was more worried about the bruise forming around Kaylinas left eye. Her entire eye was red.

The doctor finished up his stitches and gave him a prescription for pain meds.

"I'm really really fucking sorry.." Kaylina said looking around the room and playing with her fingers.

She knew her father was crazy, but not crazy enough to shoot one of her friends.

We're they friends? Jeremiah didn't really know. Every time he thought he had a real, solid friend, he found out they were only hanging out with him out of pity.

He was very socially awkward, so whenever people would talk to him or call him out, he would sit there like a deer in headlights.

"Are we friends?" He blurted out. She looked at him and raised her eyebrow.
"Yeah we are, why?" She slightly laughed.

"Are you just saying that cause you feel bad for me? Cause if you are then I don't wanna talk to you anymore." He said and she nodded.

"I'm your friend because I like your personality and I enjoy your company, not out of pity." She said and he nodded, holding back a smirk. It felt nice to have an actual solid friend.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked, grabbing her phone and he nodded, getting off of the table in the office. They walked out of the emergency room and to the Uber Kaylina ordered.

If she had her car, trust and believe she would never be home.

It's currently in the shop after her mother drove it, and crashed into a streetlight. It was a 2018 Camry that she bought using the money her grandmother left for her.

"Are we going back to your place? Cause I need a way to hide this, I don't know if makeup can help." He shrugged.

"If you don't wanna go to my house then that's fine, I understand. But the shot is up pretty high, your shirt sleeve should cover it." She nodded.

He just hummed. He acted as if he didn't just get shot.
Once they arrived at Jeremiahs house, they said their goodbyes and Kaylina ended up getting a new Uber back to her house.

She walked in the house, seeing it was empty. Her parents must've left. She went upstairs and immediately looked at her eye, that was now swollen and purple.

So swollen, it looked shut. There was no way to hide this. School was tomorrow but she decided she would just skip until she healed enough.

It's been a long, crazy day and all she wanted to do was sleep. After a much needed shower, she dressed in some black spandex and black sports bra. She laid down and got comfortable before dozing off.


Jeremiah walked down the halls, going to first period. His arm hurt like hell, but he didn't wanna mess up his education so he pushed through the pain. He was worried about Kaylina, though.

You would've never thought she was in a household like that. He walked into the classroom, and glanced around for Kaylina. She wasn't there. He immediately pulled out his phone before sitting down and texting her.


Hey good morning
Are you ok?

Yeah I'm skipping today. I couldn't show up with my eye like that.

I hope you feel better 😘

Thank you 😅, I'll probably be back tomorrow. I hope the swelling goes down.

Me too cause I would've thought you got into a fight with some girl and lost.

Bye Jeremiah 😂.

He shut his phone off and smiled, before opening his textbook to finish the homework he didn't do over the weekend.


Kaylina took a deep pull from her blunt, and continued to write in her notebook. She felt herself on the verge of shutting down.

Dear Kaylina,

I don't know how to explain what I'm feeling but just know, we're feeling something.
It's around that time of year and I just wanna lock my room door and cry. She was my everything and I lost her. She was the only person who I felt genuinely loved and cared about me. I miss her so much and I don't even know what to do. It's been almost 5 years without her. 5 birthdays, 5 Christmases, 5 thanksgivings. 5 years without her voice.
I miss you, Grandma.

Love, Kaylina.

Before she knew it, the blunt was a roach and she placed it in the ashtray. Neither of her parents were home, so she was sitting around bored.

School had already ended, but Jeremiah still had his first set of basketball tryouts today. Kaylina begged him not to, because he could mess up his arm even more.

But of course, Jeremiah was being stubborn about it. He wanted to impress his father, but more importantly himself.

He walked off to the side of the court, and grabbed his phone and water bottle.

He was looking forward to telling his father and Kaylina he had made the team first try. He pushed his glasses up, and called Kay first.

"Hello?" She answered, sounding like she was asleep.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry." He apologized. She laughed and shook her head.
"I'm just high." She shrugged.
"Oh, what does that feel like?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Just come over and I'll show you." She chuckled.
"How'd tryouts go?" She asked, and he smiled. At least she remembered.

"I actually made the team, but I'm really nervous cause I have a game next week." He sighed and she pouted, he was so adorable to her.

"I know you'll do amazing, all you gotta do is practice." She hyped and he smirked.

"Are you a virgin?" He blurted out and she furrowed her eyebrows, looked at her phone screen and laughed.

"No I'm not, are you?" She asked as he grabbed his bags and walked out to his dads car.

"Yeah I am, but I'm about to get in my dads car and he's gonna talk my ear off. I'll call you later Kay." He hurried and hung up.
"Okay then." Kaylina giggled.

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