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𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐉𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐡,

Jeremiah ran his hands over his head as both Kaylina & Armel sat in front of him. He was beyond stressed and this meeting wasn't helpful.
"You gonna talk or sit there looking pitiful?" Mel laughed.

"Look, I just wanna apologize to both of y'all. I haven't figured myself out yet but I um, shouldn't have thrown y'all into it. Kay, I'm really fucking sorry. You don't deserve any of this, and neither does Mel." He sighed as Kaylina played with her fingernails.

"I just have one last question, and it's fine if you don't know the answer yet," she started.
"Are you gay? Are you straight? Are you bi? What?" She asked.
He rubbed the back of his neck as Mel glanced at his phone, not caring about the situation.
Jeremiah wasn't someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, he just enjoyed the eye candy.

It did make him feel bad about breaking up a happy home, but Jeremiah did lie and say him and Kaylina were going through a rough patch, and that what they were doing was okay because he didn't belong to her anymore.

"I mean, I guess I'm b-straight." He caught himself and both Kaylina & Mel nodded.
"So you just used me to play around?" He chuckled.
"I-I ain't intend on it going this far, but yes and I'm sorry for leading you on." He apologized for the millionth time.

"And Kaylina, I never would try and break y'all up. I was under the impression that you wouldn't care because y'all were no longer together and-"
"That we was no longer together? The fuck Jeremiah?" She shot him a look and he sighed, everything was coming back to bite him.

"I just wanna apologize to you for allowing this." Mel said sincerely.
"Thank you for the apology, though my issue isn't with you." She smiled softly and made eye contact with Jeremiah.


"Bitch he like dick? What?" Bri asked, and Kaylina shook her head.
"He claims he's straight, but then I ask him a few days later and now he's questioning himself. Next day he tells me he's bisexual for sure. I just don't know how to deal with this." She sighed, rubbing her stomach.

"Please don't stress yourself out baby. Let him deal with his issues and once he gets his shit together, y'all can go from there. Just make sure my niece straight." She said, meanwhile Jeremiah sat downstairs stressed completely out.

"What did you do?" He mumbled, scrolling through his phone & deleting everything to do with Mel.
His mind was racing with thoughts, he didn't know what was wrong with him.
Obviously, he attempted to push his feelings to the back but now he was regretting it.

He knew he wasn't gay because he wasn't like Mel, but he also knew he was straight because he loved Kaylina. The thought of having to come out scared him beyond belief.

His thoughts were interrupted when Kaylina came downstairs, and the tension was thick.
"B-baby lemme talk to you, please?" He sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

She nodded and grabbed her a muffin before sitting on the couch with him.
"Look, I'm sorry-"

"You don't have to apologize, Miah. I get that you're trying to figure yourself out and there's nothing wrong with that, I just don't like how you did it. You make me look like an idiot, claim we broke up and then still continue it knowing it was wrong. My issue isn't with you, it's with your actions." She ranted.

"I understand you," He said and pulled on his chain.
"When I say this, I don't want you to feel like it's me leaving you. It's just me trying to get this off my chest." He said & sat up. Kaylina raised her eyebrow, already knowing what he was going to say.

"I'm um, I think I'm bisexual." Jeremiah spoke lowly, nervous of her reaction.
"If I'm being honest, I've known this was coming since the first day I met you." Kaylina laughed.
He furrowed his eyebrows and motioned for her to keep talking.

"Like, I could just feel it in your vibe. Nothing else to it. I just waited on you to tell me." She shrugged.
"So you're not mad?" He asked, she shook her head & bit her muffin.

"You ever sucked dick?" She asked, he immediately shook his head.
"Ever had it up yo ass?" She giggled and covered it up by taking another bite.
"No, Kay." He chuckled.

"As long as you ain't kissing me with dick lips, I'm fine with it." She smiled. He laughed and ran his hands through his hair. He didn't expect it to go like this.


Jeremiah & Kaylina walked through Carter's hand in hand, picking up baby clothes.
"Isn't this cute?" She squealed, holding up a jacket covered in dinosaurs.

"It's cute, but we don't need to be over here." He said and pointed to the girl side of the store.
"Why do you think it's a girl?" She laughed, following him to the girls section.

"Cause yo stomach up so high, and I just know. That's Jaliyah up in there." He said and poked her stomach, feeling the love taps of the baby.

"Whatever you say, but when you waste all this money on girl clothes, don't look at me." She shrugged, and began to look through the racks.

Jasmine walked through the mall, before coming downstairs and passing by Carter's.
She did a double take when she thought she saw Jeremiah inside, and surely he was.

She waited to see who the girl was, and her heart dropped when she saw his arm wrapped around Kaylina.

Quickly turning the other way, she walked out of the mall and found her way back to her car.
"Answer," she mumbled rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Hello?" He said on the other end of the line.
"Mel, what the fuck! You were supposed to make them break up!" She yelled.
Armel scrunched up his face.

"Bitch don't get buck, they a cute couple and I don't think it's right how you so damn desperate to make them break up. You a negative ass pissy bitch, that's why nobody want you forreal." He spat.

Jasmine was taken back, but immediately realized a new way to set Jeremiah up.
"Look, just try and get him to go to that one club.. Venom. That's all you have to do." She explained.

Armel sighed and rubbed his temple. Dealing with his sister had to be one of the most difficult things he's done his entire life.
"This shit isn't right, Jas." He said and shook his head.

"You would hate for me to tell dad your secret, wouldn't you?" She smirked.
"Fuck you." He groaned and hung up the phone.

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