"It's just me" Marin assured me and helped me up, "A squire came and found me, Lord Stark wishes to speak to you"


"Yes! What was in that letter?" She exclaimed but I just shook my head.

"It doesn't matter, where's my robe" I responded and she helped me into my most modest robe, a long thick cotton one with a fur collar.

"This way" She pulled me along until we came to another room and she knocked calmly.

"Come in" The raspy voice that could only belong to Ned Stark replied.

Marin opened the door and pushed me in, closing it behind us.

"Princess Lya of House Baratheon" She announced and tipped her head to the Lord of Winterfell.

"Thank you for meeting with me, your grace, at such a late hour" Ned Stark responded with a slight head dip.

"Marin, you can go" I turned to her and she drew her brows together with concern then nodded, taking her leave quietly. "You received my letter?"

"I did and I am intrigued by your request" He gestures for me to sit so I took the seat closest to the fire, gently rubbing my hands together. He took the other seat, closer to the door.

"I could be wrong but if I'm not, we must find out" I told him, then I glanced at the fire, "I trust you destroyed it"

"The minute I finished reading it" He reassured me and I nodded quickly.

"Very well" I pressed my lips together, "You knew Jon Arryn better than I ever did"

"He was like a second father to me, he was a good man and he didn't deserve to die" Eddard Stark insisted, his face glum and solemn.

"He should not have died" I cut in and the older man in front of me was suddenly very curious about what I had to say.

"What?" He questioned, scooting his chair closer.

"Jon Arryn was kind to me and my siblings," I began and folded my hands in my lap, "We saw him days before his demise and he was perfectly well"

"I see"

"Then the next day, he was fatally ill" I continued, strangely Ned did not look particularly surprised. "Is there something you know?"

"No, continue on" He waved and sat back in his seat.

"He was clever, taught me everything I know and I don't believe he died of natural causes, Lord Stark" I rambled, "He was a healthy man, albeit old but he was healthy"

"Very well" He stated calmly, I could almost see the cogs turning in his head, "I didn't accept the position as Hand of the King because I wanted it"

"Lord Stark?" I pressed and he accepted, narrowing his eyes and beginning to explain.

"My wife received an important letter," He murmured, "Her sister, Lysa Arryn risked her life and her sons life to inform Cat of this."

"Jon's wife" I breathed and leaned forward, balancing my elbows on my thighs.

"She believes that your mother and her family had a part to play in her husbands death" Ned recounted, I was surprised how trusting he was of me when he was simply accusing my family of murder. But I was willing to do anything to discover the truth behind poor Jon Arryn's death.

I stayed silent for a moment and Lord Stark frowned over at me.

"You don't doubt her accusations?" He squinted at me and I took a deep breath.

"I love my mother with everything I am" I began, a little concern flickered across Ned's face, "But she would do anything to protect her children, I wouldn't put anything past her"

"I know what you're asking of me, your grace" He raised his brows and I looked down, "with my position as Hand, I can investigate into his death"

"I wish to know the truth or the truth my mother could be covering up" I insisted and he nodded.

"I will do my very best" He responded but then he looked pensive, "The rest of your letter detailed something that troubles me more", he looked at my bruised eye and red cheek that was terribly swollen.

"My brother"

"If what you say is true"

"It is" I interrupted, "Your daughter is blinded but you cannot be, you decide who she marries"

"It will not be him" Ned almost growled and I took a deep breath.

"It cannot be, Sansa is sweet and kind while my brother is anything but that" I told him honestly, "Search for another before my brother can become king and force your hand, Ser Loras perhaps? Or even a young Frey?"

"I will find a suitable man for my daughter, don't fret your grace" He tipped his head in acknowledgment, I smiled and settled back against the chair, "What of your future," he paused, "with Robb?"

"I do so wish, if you believe it suitable" I let my girlish tendencies get the better of me.

"I would be honoured to welcome such an honest soul into the Stark family" He smiled, "I just hope you will not have to fight for your future too hard"

"Thank you, Lord Stark" I smiled and stood, "I shall go now"

"Until tomorrow, your grace" He stood as well, opening the door for me and closing it behind me.

Marin was waiting for me outside and she quickly threaded my arm through hers and dragged me back to my room.

"What did he say?" She demanded once we were firmly locked into my bedroom.

"Nothing you should worry yourself with" I told her as I climbed back into bed, I didn't wish for her to get into trouble over something that had nothing to do with her and may not even be true. "Goodnight, Marin" and she scuffled off.

I didn't sleep that night, I tossed and I turned until my skin felt raw. I was so terribly confused and I needed answers.

Ours is the Fury | Game of Thrones OCWhere stories live. Discover now