Once upon a time

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Under a blue moon

once upon a time

the most loveliest girl was born

as a child illuminated from the sun

A storyteller with a very special gift

where words and rhymes

came easily and swift

everytime her imaginative mind set adrift

As a dreamer and a healer she came forth

with tales and stories that warmed hearts 

She could inspire and awaken people's mind

And while some feared her and fell to the ground

as they listen to her words so genuine and profound

Through the years we felt a deep connection

a pull that brought us in the right direction

An omnilove that bound our hearts together

with a promise of a love that would last forever

The child became a woman with special skills

where pen and ink expressed both chills and thrills

But most of all she radiated a love so deep

everytime she came visiting me in my deepest sleep

A poetry came awake with the light of the new dawn

and strengthened our hearts to carry on

to transcend beyond our limitations and believes

and to have faith in what we both together can achive

No longer can my words express the gratitude i feel

as I everyday experience something so wonderful and real

Nothing can compare or would ever come close

for what I feel for this beautiful and flourishing rose.

Poetry by Lasse Wikström

THE QUIET LOVE WE MADEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz