Chapter 16 Facing an old horror.

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"Wh-why'd you do i-it?"

It was as if an innocent child was crying before he said that.

Suddenly scared out of his mind due to the person his head put together the voice belonged to, he saw that nothing or no one was behind him. His sudden change in emotion was so strong that a tear fell from his eye.

He turned back to resume his sprint to the other side of the room to get to the next storey, only to be interrupted by another voice of the same little boy that he was terrified of.

"What d-did I do to y-you?" In the same tone as the last question.

He turned back, but again, nothing.

Now stray tears were starting to fall from his eyes as he stared at the floor, turning back and walking to the stairs to the third level.

"Y-you let me d-die, why'd you d-do it?" The voice rang again, in a more mopping tone.

"SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! JUST STOP IT!!! I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER YOU!!!" Bakugou yelled as more tears kept falling. He started to run to the staircase that was just down the hallway.

"You w-were l-like my b-brother. You s-still let them do it, Y-YOU DID IT! ARE YOU H-HAPPY NOW?! ARE YOU S-SATISFIED WITH WHAT YOU ACHIEVED?!" The voice said, starting to keep getting angrier at the sandy blond who now had steady tears falling from his face.


"Why, were you not a wimp when killing me, fighting me four on one?!?!"

At this point, he was on the third floor. He was crying his eyes out and quivering but just kept running.

"Why'd you kill me, why didn't you do something when they beat me to the ground? Why'd you join them?" The voice said, back to his little mopping boy persona.

Suddenly, one of the walls lit up. It was Bakugou's worst nightmare, the image that he tried to remove from his head for years, with the help of tons of therapy.

"W-Why? Why a-are you d-doing th-this to m-me? I-I k-know I did it! I KNOW I KILLED YOU!!! J-Just s-stop it, puh-lea-eas, just s-stop ih-it." He said as the sobbing blond fell to his knees, totally heart broken.

Another portion of the wall lit up.

"You wanna pretend to be a hero? You don't stand a chance without a quirk, Deku!" Said a young Bakugou, which was followed by a gasp from the little boy in front of him.

The little, thin boy tried to defend himself but what would realistically happen when three A-ranked-quirked kids attack one without? The reality. And something Bakugou did not want to watch, at all, either.

And another.

"Wow! You're so awesome!"

"Whatever, this is nothing!" The young version of Bakugou replied.


"Geez, you really can't do anything right, can you?"

"STOP IT! PLEASE!!! JUST MAKE IT STOP!!! Pun-lease, j-just m-make it s-stau-au-op." He said as Bakugou sobbed even more.


"NOOOOOOOOOOO-" Bakugou yelled as he finally let the sweet relief of darkness take over.

Outside the building, Iida suddenly got chopped in the neck from behind him as impatiently waited for the stubborn and aggressive blond to come out with the victory.

"Sir, Bakugou and Iida have been knocked out. I have won. Also Bakugou has had a heart attack. Please look after him, I need to go now." Izuku said calmly into the microphone he was given to attach to his hero costume so that everything could be heard.

The voice masked well by the speaker was well deceiving for the rest of the horrified students but only so many could be fooled by it.

The ones close to Izuku could very well see through it as they rushed out of the observation room to look for their favourite greenette.

The other three stood their, shocked, in utter disbelief. They couldn't believe their ears.

All the other students in the observation room were utterly horrified and most were weeping due to how scary that was. Something about the underlying ghostliness of the little broom of green hair that made Bakugou slip into Cardiac arrest was terrifyingly unsettling to the point where people almost completely unknown to Izuku, also fell into a fit of tears.

'Wh-y'd y-you do I-it?' -The current thoughts of a crying Izuku Glaze. He clenched his eyelids shut, as well as fists as he began to run to his place of comfort.

TIMESKIP to roughly 5 pm.

Ochako PoV

'Where did you go, why did you do that to yourself, Iz- FOUND YA!' I thought as I located Izuku.

He was sitting on a makeshift log bench, in front of a beautiful lake, in the clearing in the forest. The autumn tree leaves held beautiful shades and the orange skies' light wonderfully framed the scenario.

I also love the green haired b- wait WTF, OCHAKO?! You came here to look for Izuku and you found him! What's wrong with you?

"IZUKU!" I yelled out as I floated down to where he was sitting.

"Huh?" He said as he stopped his sobbing, only to see me basically swimming down towards him.

I was now sitting next to Izuku as he tried to make it look like he never was crying.

"Izuku! Stop it! You're just hurting yourself by hiding your true self!"

(Ok, I'm not writing the constant sobs and stutters Izuku is gonna say because I'm too lazy.)

"The recoil, Ochako! The recoil was too much! I thought of this plan but as much as it hurt him, it hurt me too! The plan's recoil was very bad! It was very bad..."

I expected him to break down, but never have I ever seen the kind and brave Izuku so low, so fallen, so-so...vulnerable...

"It's gonna be alright Izuku."

Izuku PoV

I don't know what came over me, but at that moment, the only person in front of me was not Ochako, but...

Uncle Iroh.

"I know that you are upset. Sharing it would really help."

That's all it took.

That's all it break me...once again.

Wow, how much of a pokemon episode title screen the chapter title sounds like, I just realised, lol! I don't got anything else to say, so...Bye!

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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