Chapter 6 New Friends? Part 1

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Denki PoV (finally, uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh. Switching a PoV.)

I guess he really meant it when he said he had to get it out of his system then he'll be fine. I know that Izuku is really sad but isn't showing it. Heck, I ball my eyes out before going to sleep everyday but he doesn't.

After that night, he stopped crying about Uncle's death and he has his cheerful personality back. I was shocked to say the least. I knew that he was so attached to Uncle yet he looked like he wasn't affected. I put on a charade just like Izuku of being happy even though I know how sad both of us are.

He started to look after the tea shop and I decided I'll do another part time job, two weeks after the incident. I found a job at a local cat cafe and Izuku was totally right, working does help you get your mind off of things.

Sometimes I would help out at the tea shop as well. By now, we both were around fourteen and we both decided that we would try for the U.A. High.

Uncle always told us to follow our dreams so that's what we did. We both started working more and saving up for U.A. Izuku resumed his work as the quirkless saviour and like don't you think it's a bit much? The name I mean.

Anyways, getting back on track, one day at work, a group of 4 people my age came up to me.

"Hello! Welcome to fake name cafe! What would you like to have?"

"Ooh, I think I'll have the....medium apple pie mochi, please!" A girl with brown hair and a bobcat said.

"And I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich with a side of fries, and cold coffee, (looks at his name tag) uhh, Denki?" A pink skinned girl with black and gold eyes said. I then note down that as well.

"I'll take the arrabiata pasta bro." A guy with spiky red hair said.

"Oh, how much would you like?" I asked him.

"The small." He replied.

"Ok!" I said as I jotted that down as well.

"I'll take a small margarita pizza and that (she said pointing at the cake display below the counter, more specifically, a 250 gram red velvet cake) cake." The girl with purple hair and earphone jacks coming outa her ears said.

"Ok, great! Anything else?" I asked.

The brunette answered. "What's your best kind of tea? I'd say I have a hobby of trying different teas but I've only tried four kinds *small talk chuckle*"

"Oh, we only have green, black and oolong. You could go to my brother's shop later if you'd like. You must have heard of it, the Jasmine dragon?" I say, replying to her question.

"REALLY!? Your brother owns THE Jasmine dragon?! Why don't you work with him there then?" She said, low-key freaking out.

"Oh, we're both saving up to afford high school so we are working as much as we can!" I said with the same cheer in my voice as before.

"Oh, ok. I'll take the oolong tea." She then responded as I wrote that down as well.

"Hey bro, I have a question. Why does your name tag only say your first name?" The redhead asked.

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