Chapter 14 Battle training

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...One drop will be more than enough for a person."

(Everyone will have massive ptsd from Izuku's lesson but through anime/fanfic logic, they are now in class, waiting for Denki's abusive sister to join as a guest lecturer but Izuku knows there has been a change in schedule but what is it? Izuku doesn't know.)

"I AM HERE, ENTERING THE CLASS LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!!!" All Might yelled as he posed. Literally everyone, even me, started to fanboy. This was my que to go to my seat and sit.

Kasumi PoV

"Why is the loser Deku sitting in one of the seats?" I whisper yelled to a guy with some shitty hair style.

"Oh, you don't know? He's a student here. He was just asked as a guest lecturer by Nezu and in hindsight, that was very life threatening but very useful! Man, he is so manly!" Shitty hair replied. 'What the fu*k? Why would that stupid rat higher a student as a guest lecturer? Are the standards of U.A. Gone really that low?'

"...For a hero, a costume is always important! It's like another essential body part that you would always have fighting crime! The costumes have been made per everyone's requests so please take yours and reach training ground gamma in ten minutes." All Might continued as he then pressed a button on a remote and left the class.

TIMESKIP 10 minutes to the ground gamma

I was walking around, rolling my eyes as all the extras praise each other's for their damn costumes and I get a glance at the loser Deku without his mask.

'*mental gasp* *mental freaking out* Is that loser Deku THAT shitty Deku?!' How the fu*k is he alive?! I thought he died or something when he was 6! Well, I'LL SHOW HIM HIS FU*KING PLACE TODAY AT BATTLE TRAINING!!! HE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE HERE!!!'

"*tap* *tap* Hey, Kasu, you okay? You're staring at nothing with an angry face." The cute nerd said (Itsurou is also a big quirk nerd and that's the least offensive nickname she could come up with).

"Yeah I'm fine, nerd. I thought the loser Deku was the shitty nerdy Deku from when we were six."

"Oh come on, you know that's not possible! He's fu*king dead and to be honest, Good Riddance!" The cute nerd replied.

"You're right, let's crus-"

"EVERYONE, GATHER AROUND!!! SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE IS HERE SO I SHALL BEGIN. SO HERE IS HOW THE TRAINING TODAY WILL GO. There will be hero teams and villain teams, each of two students which will be decided by chits. This is so that everyone knows how to work with being paired with random available heroes when in the middle of situations." -All might. Like Geez, why do I need to fight extras? I bet I'm already so much better than anyone in this annoying class.

"Sir! Isn't an exercise like this better for more experienced students? I think that we should do other exercises before this!" Four eyes yelled. I swear to god he's such an idiot with most probably a stick up his a*s.

"No, shut up, you don't decide how we teach. All might, just decide this quickly. Oh, and BakuBi*-I mean Bakugou's, stop acting so haughty, you're gonna lose. I am also willing to bet that, female Bakugou, if the quote on quote 'quirkless, loser, shitty Deku' fights you, he can and probably will leave you with massive trauma so shut the hell up with your 'Oh, I'm the best person in the fu*king world' attitude cause you're not and if you don't comply with any of my orders, you will be expelled, you fu*king narcissist." That pathetic hobo of a loser teacher we have popped out of nowhere and said.

"Oh and why should I listen to a hob-" I cut myself off because I began to cower and choke and I felt breathless. I looked at him and he released an aura that scared me. It was terrifying. I can't believe I just confessed that I was scared.

Narrator PoV

"This is called blood lust, killing intent, negative aura, whatever you wanna call it. You're scared shitless with my killing intent, wait until you see Deku's. Oh and by the way, there is a reason Nezu requested him for a lecture. If I'm not wrong, you fought one of Denki's thunder clones in 'the loser' Deku's lesson. That useless Deku was the one who made him that strong. The clone was just 20% of Denki's complete strength and before he met him, he would literally stop being able to function with one zap released. Now, he was able to make you pass out with 15% of his strength because even the clone didn't take you seriously." She started growling and snarling and then she began speaking.

"Why you little-" All might just finished deciding the teams after drawing lots so he cut her off so that she wouldn't get expelled on her first day. Plus he wanted all the students to calm down from what Aizawa just did.

A- Himiko Toga and Ochako Uraraka
B- Itsurou Midoriya and Mezo Shoji
C- Momo Yaoyorozu and Minoru Mineta
D- Katsuki Bakugou and Tenya Iida
E- Yuga Aoyama and Mina Ashido
F- Rikido Sato and Koji Koda
G- Shoto Todoroki and Kasumi Bakugou
H- Fumikage Tokoyami and Tsuyu Asui
I- Mashirao Ojiro and Toru Hagakure
J- Eijiro Kirishima and Hanta Sero
K- Denki Glaze and Kyouka Jirou

And since we are an odd number, we will have to have this young man as team L fight a duo. In my opinion, it's fine because he was qualified enough to lecture you all.

The pairings are-
Team A vs Team G
Team B vs Team I
Team H vs Team J
Team K vs Team C
Team E vs Team F
Team D vs Team L

Hi! Mr 'I'm a stupid idiot who dosen't know the meaning of scheduling' is back again! I'm sorry, I promise I'll be consistent from now on. That's all I got to say so... Bye!

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