
722 15 3

word count: 1087

y/n pov

I opened my eyes and stretch my arms when I woke up. It was cold so I pulled the covers more over my body again.

I take my phone and check it. Only one notification, Snapchat. The only one to remember my birthday, amazing.

I get out of bed and open my closet, what will I wear today? I take out a plain shirt with some baggy pants and a sweater. It's not like I had anything fancy planned.

I walk to the bathroom. A family of six and only one bathroom, it's a hell in the mornings. But it was already 10am so I had hoped it was free by now.

I was wrong. My youngest brother was in there. "You've been in here for ages now. It's my turn!" I knocked repeatedly on the door.

"No! Whenever you go first, you also take ages to get ready! Now it's my turn!" He complains.

"Mom!" I whined. "No, I don't want to hear it. Go to your dad." She walked past with a laundry basket, it's laundry day.

"Oh mom wait, I've got a few things that need to be washed." I quickly run into my room, collecting the few clothing pieces from the floor.

I take it back to her and put it into the basket. "Great as if I don't have enough already." She rolls her eyes.

I turn back to the bathroom and knocked on the door again. "Open up!" I yell. "What are you? FBI? I didn't think so." I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"He's just an annoying teenager, don't make it worse." I told myself. "Dad, tell your son that it's now my turn to shower, he's been in there for too long."

"Son, your turn is over. Come out." Dad says. "No." He whines. "Sorry kiddo." Dad ruffles my hair before walking downstairs.


They all forgot my birthday and I wasn't planning on saying anything about it. I wanted to test them.

The doorbell rang, no one budged from the couch or came running downstairs, I guess I'll have to go.

I opened the door to an overly excited Mark. "Happy-" I quickly walk out closing the door and covering his mouth. "Birthday." He whispered.

"They forgot, everyone forgot." I tell him. "What? No, how is it possible to forget your day?" He pulls me into a hug.

"Want to go downtown?" He asks me. "Sure, let me grab my jacket and keys." I walked back inside. "I'm going out, I'll be back later. Bye!" No response, they don't even care.

I get into Mark's car. "So where we going or what are we doing?" I asked. "Just anything you want. But first this." He pulls me in for a kiss. "Forgot to do that first."

We've been dating for so long already yet he knows how to get me flustered. "Damn it Mark Lee, you did it again." I look down and we both laugh. "Aww cutie!"


We ended our jam session to the radio as Mark had parked his car. When we get out, Mark waited for me to hold his hand first, he always does that.

"What does the birthday girl want to do?" He asks me. "I have no idea, let's walk around and see where we end up." I suggest on doing.

We walk around the streets until I smelled food. Mark looks at me confused when I stopped walking. "I smell pancakes and waffles." I say with a smile. "Want to eat pancakes and waffles?" I nod in response.

We walk into the tiny building and take a seat. I looked on the menu card. "What if I take the waffles and you take the pancakes and we then share?" Mark asks me.

"Great idea, but which waffles and pancakes?" I asked. "Ooh pancakes with chocolate chips and whipped cream." I gasp. "Yes I'm taking that." I say.

"Then I'm taking the waffles with syrup and fruit." He was pointing on the card. We made our order.

"So how come no one remembers?" Mark asks me. "I don't know, I woke up and zero notifications and my family hasn't said anything either. And that on the day I'm becoming an adult." I pout.

"Such an adult thing to do, eating pancakes at the cutest place in town." Mark laughed. "I don't need alcohol and parties to have fun. But just a happy birthday from my family would've been nice."

"I know, I'm sorry babe." He gets up and gives me a hug. "Good thing I remembered right? I love you, don't ever forget that!" He kissed the top of my head.

"Oh no, I forgot your present in the car." He face palmed himself. "You got me a present? You didn't have to." I shook my head.

"Yes I do, let me get it real quick please." He pouts. "But the food is going to be here any minute, the car is so far away."

"Alright I'll wait to give it to you. But you're going to love it!" He tells me. "I don't doubt that." Our food and drinks arrived, we shared and ate all of it.


"So we ate, walked around a little more, got you sugar apple, a milkshake. Anything else?" He asks me. "I just want to sit somewhere and be with you." I tell him.

"Let's pass the car so I can get your present and then go sit somewhere at the lake." We did just that. The walk to the lake wasn't far from his car but yet I kept asking about the present, annoying Mark just a little.

We take a nice spot on a bench. "Now?" I asked. "Now, happy birthday, love." He hands me the present.

I opened the bag and look into it. I look back at Mark. "No you didn't." I shook my head. "I did." He nods. I take out the jersey from my favourite hockey player.

"It's even signed!" I squealed. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I hug Mark. "Read the card too please." I opened the card and start reading. He wrote me a whole text.

"You're the best boyfriend ever." I hug him again, this time also a long loving kiss. "I'm happy to see you smile like that." He tucks a little strand of hair behind my ear.

"Everyone else might've forgotten my birthday but at least I got the best birthday present and most amazing boyfriend!"

A/N: hi, it's been a while hasn't it? But I'm not sure if I'm like back back. I just wanted to write this little thing. Also thanks for being so patient with me updating this book.

I was just busy with school and then the holidays and then Thursday my birthday and then new year, aaaah! It's a little much but I'm getting through. I hope you all are doing fine though. If not I wish you the best.

Everyone stay healthy, take care and still enjoy the holidays and probably already a happy 2022 bcs idk if I'll be back by then already

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