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Word count: 1022


"Babe I'm home!" I hear Shotaro say. He walks into our bedroom and gasps. "Are you packing your clothes?" He asks. "No yours." I say. "Why? Did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry for whatever I did but please don't throw me out." He sits on his knees begging. "Taro what do you think I'm doing?" I ask. "Dumping me." He says with teary eyes. "How many times do I have to say to not make assumptions about what I'm doing?" I ask. "What do you mean? You're not breaking up?" I shook my head.

"No! I just got 2 tickets to my home town, you're meeting my parents." I say. "Really we're going to your birth place?" He asks excitedly. "Yes, and I was just packing some of your clothes. We're just going for a week." I say. "I hope that's enough for you to show me around." He giggles. "Of course. We're leaving tomorrow by the way." I tell him. "Tomorrow already? Oh my, I don't even know a word in your language, can you teach me?" He asks. "Why'd you want to know?" I ask. "I want to properly introduce myself to your family."

"You don't have to." I say. "But I want to." He looks at me with pearl eyes. "Are you sure sure? It's not as easy as it looks like." I say. "Y/n, remember when you asked me to teach you Japanese? Now teach me your native language." He holds my hand. "I'm packing." I say. "Why are you avoiding it?" He asks. "Because it feels weird?" I said questionable. "Teach me while we pack, how do I say hello?" He asks me while sitting down to help me pack. I told him what hello was. "Can you repeat it? Slowly."

I chuckle and repeated it. "Okay let me try now." He tried saying it but it happened with a slight accent. "It's alright, not perfect but it's the first time." I say. "And now teach me how to say: I'm Shotaro, your lovely daughter's boyfriend." He says with a smile. "What if we start with I'm Shotaro." He slowly nods and I tell him the words. "Why is it so hard?" He asks. "It's actually still very simple compared to the other vocabulary. Come on you wanted to learn now you'll learn." I say. "Yes ma'am!"

"Shut it and just try." I playfully hit his shoulder. Shotaro tried his best. "See you did it! You want to know anything else?" I ask. "I love you." He tells me. "I love you too but is that all you wanted to learn?" I ask. "No I want to learn how to say I love you." He says. "Why? To tell my mom?" I joked. "No to tell you. Oh but when we get there I should buy flowers for your mom." He says. "No not more! She already has a garden full you don't need to get her more."

"But she's your mom I need to make a good impression. And what about your dad? What does he like?" He asks me. "You don't need to get them anything. All you need to do is eat their food and say it's delicious." I tell him. "Do they cook a lot?" He asks me. "A whole lot and they want you to eat everything or else Mom starts feeding you." We both laugh. "Now tell me, I love you." He says. I tell him the words. "Okay that one's going to be a lot harder than expected." He laughs nervously.

"You just gotta say it confidently, if it's wrong it at least sounds like you tried your best." I say. "Oh okay. I'll try." He smiles and repeats the words I told him. "Yeah it's not quite it but you'll learn over time." I tell him. "I'm so nervous to meet your parents, aaah it's the first time." He looked adorable with his feet lightly stomping on the floor all because he was just nervous. "It's going to be fine, I'll be there with you." I say. "Okay okay. Let's pack up now so we can rest enough for tomorrow."

Our alarm went off and I woke up. Shotaro was still asleep, last night he kept on introducing himself in n/l (native language). It was cute, he's really trying his best. I got ready and made a quick Brea for us. I go back to the bedroom to wake him up. "Good morning. I made breakfast." I tell him. "Aww that's so sweet thank you." He smiles with his eyes still half closed from tiredness. "Think about it in half an hour our taxi will be here." I remind him. "Oh right." He quickly got up to get changed and eat with me.

"I can't believe we're actually in the plane about to go to meet your parents!" I chuckle. "Calm down, there are other people in this plane remember." I tell him. "Oh yeah sorry." He giggles. "I should practice again. Can you help?" He asks. "Baby, I'm sure you know it by now. You've repeated it all evening and night yesterday." I say. "Please." He looks at me with a pleading look. "Alright alright." I helped him with some minor mistakes, he really learned it in one day. He's crazy.

"Your parents will pick us up right?" He asks. "Yes." I tell him. "So I need to introduce myself right away? Oh and I didn't get flowers or anything for your dad." He gasps. "It's alright. Now get up so we can get off the plane." I say. "Wait we already arrived?" He asks. I sigh. "Yes we did let's go!" After we got off and got our luggage and went through security we walked to the exit. There were many people waiting but I managed to find my parents. I took Shotaro's hand and pulled him with me. "Mom dad!" I hug them. "Hello, I'm Shotaro." He says, greeting them. "Wow you thought him that?" Dad asks. "He wanted to and he's a quick learner." I smiled.

A/N: why is it so hard making reservations for a restaurant? But aye I'm back!

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