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Word count: 709


We were having friends over at our house. Just like every weekend we catch up, talk about life, work, etc. while having either lunch or dinner. But never have I thought to receive a question like this. "And how long have you 2 been dating by now?" Me and Taeil look at each other as we thought about it and calculated the years. "We started dating when we were... what was it again? 15-16 something like that." Taeil mumbles. "Woah that's really long and adorable, I bet nothing can break your marriage."

"Hah um babe did I forgot to tell you that Taeil and y/n aren't married?" Johnny tells his girlfriend. "Oh really, my bad I'm sorry." She apologises. "No it's fine, you couldn't know." I say. "But are you thinking of marrying one day?" She asks. "Uuuh we haven't really ever thought or talked about it." I say. "I think we don't really need a marriage to prove that we love each other. We know it and we show it every day." Taeil explains. "But it isn't just proving you love each other. It's a symbol, it's something that brings you closer to each other, that says you're ready for life together."

"No I don't see marriage like that." Taeil says. "And you y/n? What do you think about it?" Johnny asks. "Just the same as Taeil." I smiled at them. "Oh okay, that's a wedding less in our friend group." They joked. "And what about kids, starting a family. I mean Taeil you got your whole life to have kids, but y/n on the other hand. If you know what I mean." She says. "We're not ready for it yet, we want to enjoy life before taking a next step."

"Y/n just think about it yeah, you don't have your whole life for that." I look at Taeil. "You know, it's already late." Taeil starts. "But it's only 3 o'clock." Johnny says looking at his watch. "We promised y/n's parents to have dinner at their place, we still gotta get ready and everything." He lied to get them out. "It was nice having you 2 here, get home safely, bye." We closed the door as they were out and we sigh deeply. "Johnny's a good friend of ours I know but he could've gotten someone better."

"I know, she's so annoying and so up in our business. And can't she shut up for a second?" Taeil groans in annoyance. "I'm definitely not ready for kids." I shake my head. "And I'm not ready for marriage." We became silent afterwards. It was a little awkward, we never are so what even is this? "I'll clean this up here." He says. "I'm gonna take a shower." I tell him quickly going to the bathroom just to avoid the awkward tension. That girl might be annoying but she's right, I don't have my whole life to get children.

I opened the bathroom door to go to Taeil but he already stood there. "I want a baby." I say. "I wanna marry." He said at the exact same time. "Wait what do you want?" We ask once again in sync. "You first." He says. "I do want a baby. I know what I said earlier but she was right I can't wait until I'm 50." I said in a rush. "And I wanna marry, I also know what I said earlier but I think it'd indeed bring us closer and get us ready for the next step in life. I want everyone to know how much I actually love you."

"Awww baby so sweet!" I hug him. "So what do you say? I know it's not very romantic and I'm not down on one knee, neither do I have a ring but will you marry me?" He asks me. "Yes! And can we start thinking about kids? It'd be so cute having a little you crawling around." I say. "What about a little you instead of a little me? That'd be even cuter." He giggles. "Let's just do this all!" We hug each other. "I love you, so so much." He whispers in my ear. "I love you too!"

A/N: it's a lil short I'm sorry but I still hope you enjoyed!

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