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Word count: 1100

YangYang POV

"Excuse me." Someone tapped my shoulder I turn around and frowned. "Yes?" I say unsure. "It's my first time here, could you show me the way to this address." The girl shows the address on her phone. "Oh yeah of course." I smiled. She doesn't recognise me, she doesn't know I'm an idol, I'm glad for once. "It's not too far from here... I can walk you there if you don't mind." I say. "That would be great thank you." She follows me if I lead the way. "So it's your first time here?" I ask.

"Yes my brother just moved here and he said it isn't far from the station but I think I walked the wrong way." She chuckles, it was cute. "You were already close so that's already good right." I say. "I guess yes." The girl smiling shyly. "I'm YangYang." I introduced myself, I don't even know why I did it. "Nice to meet you. My name's y/n." She tells me. "So you're staying with your brother?" I ask. "Yes I am." She tells me. "Maybe we'll see each other again. Wait that sounds creepy, I didn't mean it like that."

Y/n laughs. "It's alright, and maybe we might see each other again, who knows." She says. "We're here." I say walking into the entrance hall of the apartment building. "You don't have to come inside." She says. "Oh no um I also live in this building, really look I got the keys." I showed her. "Oh okay sorry." She says, her cheeks reddening from embarrassment. I opened the door and we both walk to the elevator. "Maybe I'll have to text him." She takes out her phone. We quietly stand in the elevator. "So I guess I'll see you around? And have fun with your brother. I mean like have fun spending time together now you're here."

"Thank you, you too. Even though you live here on a daily and I have no clue who you live with." She laughs. "A few of my group mates. I um am actually an idol." I tell her. "Really? Oh that's cool, I guess. Is it?" She asks. "Yes it's definitely fun to do this with people you're really close with. We're like a family." I tell her. "Aww that's nice." Suddenly the elevator came to a stop, the lights turning off and the doors not opening.

"Not again." I groan. "Again? Does this happen a lot?" Y/n asks. "Actually yes it does." I answered honestly. "YangYang. I'm actually scared on elevators and I'm claustrophobic. It's just so you know." She breathes deeply in and out. "No no don't be scared don't be scared. It'll be alright. I'll just call for help." I ring the alarm bell on the elevator but it didn't work. "Come on." I mumbled. I turn around and saw y/n sitting on the floor in a little ball. "Hey shhh it'll be fine, just breathe in with me, in and out, in and out."

I repeat it a few times as I opened my phone to call Kun. "Can I hug you to comfort you?" I ask. She nods with big tears rolling down her cheeks. I had my phone on speaker. "YangYang what did you do this time?" Kun asks. "Honestly nothing, I just helped y/n find the way to her brother's apartment and when we got into the elevator it suddenly broke down. Can you come and help us?" I ask. "You're in the elevator in our apartment building?" He asks.

"Yes her brother lives here too. Please get help, quickly!" I say, holding y/n close to me. "It's getting hot in here." She says. "Take your coat off, it's indeed hot. But there's help on their way, we'll be fine." I tell her. "Never thought to be stuck in an elevator with someone I just met." She mumbles. "Me neither but here we are. Sorry I'm not making it any better for you. If they come save us you may get out first." I smile at her. "You're a nice guy but can you please just be quiet for a second?"

"Sorry." She rests her head on my shoulder, eyes shut tightly. I take her hand in mine as I noticed she was picking at her nails. "You can squeeze my hand if you want, but don't pick your nails." I softly say and return quiet again. She squeezed it lightly. The silence got broken by a phone ringing. I look at her phone. "It's your brother. He's probably worried." It was as if she had build an imaginary box around her, she just stayed in place with her eyes closed. I picked up for her. "Y/n where are you? I thought you arrived?"

"I'm sorry but we're stuck in the elevator. I'm with her and she's... I'm not gonna lie she's panicking but I'm with her." I tell her brother. "Who are you?" He asks. "I'm your upstairs neighbour, YangYang." I tell him. "Okay, I'll get help." He says. "Kun is doing that already. Just tell me, is there something I can do for her to calm her down a little?" I ask. "Our family has this song we sang whenever someone was scared. You could try that." He tells me. "What song?" But her phone ran out of battery.

"Y/n hey look at me, you brother said there's a song, do you remember it?" I ask she slowly nods her head. "Can you sing it? I'll try to sing along if I know it." She softly sang the song, still holding onto my hand, we didn't break eye contact either. Once I noticed the lyrics repeated itself I sang along. Y/n getting calmer after a while. The elevator lights suddenly turned on again and by the next floor we reached the doors opened revealing the firefighters, Kun and y/n's brother. "Hey look we made it. After you." I smiled at her.

We get out, y/n reunited with her brother. "Thanks for saving us. Again." I say to the firefighters. "Maybe tell the owner of the building to do something about it." He tells us. "We will. Now what did you really do?" Kun asks me. "I for real did nothing!" I say. "He helped me." Y/n says with a smile. "Thank you YangYang." She hugs me and I hugged back. "You're welcome." I tell her. "Maybe we could meet up some time during my stay." She asks. "Sure that would be great!"

A/N: I know in fact there are more people scared of elevators, I'm not alone but really tho I always take the stairs no matter how high I have to go, I've been stuck in elevators too much

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