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Word count: 1003


The doorbell rang. I sigh and look at the wheelchair I'm in. I try to get there as fast as I could and opened the door. "Hi ba- y/n what happened?" Ten looks down at me. "Last night I might've fallen off the stairs and mom took me to the hospital. I dislocated my knee and I was this close to having a broken ankle. It's just sprained." I tell him. "Just. Ah baby you're so clumsy how could this happen?" He holds my face and pecks my lips multiple times. "I just tripped over my own feet."

"Are you fine though?" He asks worried. "Yeah of course." I nod. "Are you sure?" He holds my hand. "I took some painkillers, I'll be fine for the next coming hours." I giggle. "Where's your mom now?" He asks. "I told her she could go to work and doesn't have to stay with me." I answered. "Y/n you're insane. You got out of the hospital, you're not supposed to be alone. What if something else happened?" He asks me. "Then I would've called someone." I smile. "You're way too positive." He tells me.

"I know. Why are you actually here?" I ask him. "Our date. But I guess we'll have to reschedule that." He says with a pout. "Oh sorry. I tried calling you but you were probably asleep." I say. "Don't say sorry. Maybe we can make a cake together and eat it with some tea." He says. "I barely reach the kitchen counter sitting in this stupid wheelchair." I frown. "Can you sit on a chair at the table?" He asks. "As long as I can keep my leg up it will be fine I guess." I tell him. "Great!"

He helps me sit at the dining table. "Let me get all the ingredients. Stay still, don't fall off the chair." He warns me. "Haha very funny." I sarcastically say. "I didn't mean it like that." He calls from the kitchen. "Yes you did!" I whined like a little kid. "Okay this must be everything for a cake, let's start now." He says pulling his sleeves up. "How do we know if what we're doing is right?" I ask. "Just trust me... and the process okay." I laughed at him. "Here you measure everything." We worked together to get everything perfect.

"Can I taste it?" I ask. "It hasn't been in the oven yet." He looks at me confused. "The batter dummy." I took the bowl and take some of the remaining on my finger. "And how does it taste?" He asks. "Better than expected but still not the best cake I ever had." I tell him. "Of course, remember we made it. I'll put it in the oven now." After a few minutes he returned. "What now?" I ask him. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" He asks me. "I asked you first!" I complained. "But I don't know!"

We both sigh at the same moment and started laughing. "Come here." He kissed the top of my head. "You should be more careful next time okay, then we can go to our planned date." He says. "In my defence it was dark and I didn't see anything." I tell him. "There's something like a light switch or a flash light on your phone." He says. "Wait until you fall down and break something." I crossed my arms over my chest. "How do you know it'll happen?" He asks. "I don't know." I shrug.

"We can't go up to your room right?" He asks. "Nope I sleep in the guest room downstairs. There's literally nothing there so I'd suggest to stay in the living room and chill until that cake's ready." I say. "Okay wait you go to the living room I'll be right there." He says. "How am I gonna get there?" I ask. "Right. Can you get from your wheelchair into the couch or do you need help with that?" He asks. "I'll find a way." I say. He helps me back into the wheelchair and disappears as I get to the living room.

I struggled but managed to get into the couch without much pain. Not much later music started playing and Ten slides into the room on his socks. He started play backing to some crazy sounding song doing a weird dance to it. I cheered him on and laughed as well. "Thank you thank you." He bows. "One more!" I beg. "That's for next time." He tells me. "Nooo!" He thought before turning on another song and giving a whole show to it. I was truly enjoying it. "Now I'm tired and just want to rest." He sits next to me and pats my thigh a bit harshly.

"Ouch!" I winced. "Oh sorry baby I didn't mean to!" He hugs me and placed kisses all over my face. "It's okay it's okay, no need to baby me." I say. "But you are my baby." He ruffles my hair. "I'm going to check on the cake." He tells me and gets up. When he left the room I rub my knee, biting my lip to prevent me from crying. It hurt more than expected. "It's ready! I'lol cut it in pieces and make tea... wait y/n are you crying?" He asks. "It hurts." I mumble.

"Oh, do you want a painkiller?" He asks. "Yes please." I nod. He quickly got the medicine. "It's okay to cry, do you need anything else?" He asks me. "No, thank you." He goes back to the kitchen and made tea for us. Ten got back with two mugs of tea and then brought a plate with a couple slices of the cake we made. "I can't see you in pain, really sorry that I caused more pain." He apologises. "You didn't do anything wrong, I just should've been more careful at night, but thank you for staying with me here."

A/N: pls it's only the 2nd week of school and I already have a task and a test for English and German... how is it possible??

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