(Chapter 33) How the turns have tabled [Finale]

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(No one's/3rd person P.O.V.)

So, a month later in the park of the city. It was quite a peaceful day, it was so idyllic and quiet in the park...

Except for the two people that are, for a reason an outsider would never be able to guess, hiding in a tree and seemingly arguing.

Of course, these two people just happen to be you and Chara.

Some may ask, why on Earth are you two in a bloody tree?
Well, good question.

You see, there is a date going on, no no no. Not you two are having the date...

"Goddammit (Y/N) be quiet or they'll hear us," Chara mumbled next to you while pushing a few leaves out of her sight. "You're the one who's talking." You chuckled in the response and redirected your attention back to the actual reason you two were here in the first place.

"Remind me though," You turned to Chara again. "Why exactly did we follow Frisk on her meeting with Charlie, and are hiding in this tree?" You asked while nodding to Frisk and Charlie a few meters away sitting on a bench, seemingly talking but it wasn't possible to hear anything on this distance.

"C'mon, it's obvious there's something going on between the two," Chara spoke without taking her eyes off these two. "And my big sister instincts are telling me they'll confess to each other today." "Yeah... Sure."

She rolled her eyes. "Hey, they have the chemistry for it." "Good point." We went on with waiting for anything to happen...

"When something happens, don't celebrate too heavily, please. Or you'll knock over a tree again." You remarked. "Hey, it was only once ok?" She looked at you as you raised an eyebrow. "Ok, twice. I'll behave I swear."

"Hehe, I know. I'm honestly glad you got the hang of your angelic powers so quickly." "Well, I had a great teacher." You both laughed a bit. "Oh! Oh! It's happening!" Chara suddenly became excited to a concerning degree.

But she had a good reason to be. Frisk and Charlie seemed to be getting close to one another, in a physical sense. "C'mon c'mon c'mon... YES!" They kissed.

And Chara was celebrating next to you, but the sudden sound of a branch snapping stopped her excitement. "Shit." Were her last words before she crashed down to the ground.

You mildly chuckled as you didn't have to be concerned for her, but then another sound of a branch snapping was heard.

"Oh crap." And so you fell onto the ground next to Chara, both of you laying on the ground "Ow." Was the first thing that you heard Chara say in the pile of leaves and branches. "Chara, that can't have hurt you, ya know?" You said.

"I know, it's a reflex." You could practically hear her shrug. "And it makes for a comedic effect." Another voice added, and Frisk's expression of amusement came into your view.

"Heya, what a coincidence to you here." She raised an eyebrow. "Chara's idea, I swear." You ignored Chara's "Hey!" and got off the ground as Frisk chuckled. After you dusted yourself off you turned around to see a happy Frisk, an innocent playing Chara, and a mildly confused Charlie.

"I already knew you two were a bit weird, but I do not understand anything at the moment." Charlie officially gave up with putting with you two. "You get the hang of it." Frisk put her arm around Charlie. "Believe me, this isn't the weirdest thing I've done." Chara sounded way too proud on that one.

"For example?" Charlie asked playfully curious. "I think that's something for another time. Now shush you two. You had your show, now go on a date yourself!" Frisk told us with the most serious face she could put up at the moment and it made all of us laugh. "Hehe, yeah. Have fun you two!" Chara started to walk off. "See you later!" And you followed her.

"Anywhere you wanna go?" You immediately asked Chara. "Nothing specific, so let's just enjoy a walk. Sounds good?" She asked.

"Yeah." You replied while taking her hand into yours. "Lead the way..."

~The End~


(Y/N) Yup, this is officially the most pathetic final chapter anyone has ever written.
Sorry about that.
Check the (A/N) if you care for an explanation.

Artwork by: yukarintizu

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