(Chapter 7) They say miracles do exist

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(Your P.O.V.) On a Friday

"Any plans for the weekend now?" Toriel asked us while coming back inside with a few letters. Me and Frisk sat on the couch. "No, we don't." We said together. Chara was too busy eating a chocolate bar. Toriel looked through the letters. "Ah, another letter from Charlie." And she handed it to Frisk who opened it excitedly. But then let out a loud gasp. "Oh no..." Chara quickly got over to her. "What is it?" She asked.

"Charlie had a car accident. She is heavily injured and currently at the hospital. It says that we are free to visit." She explained in shock. "Now we have a plan I guess," Chara exclaimed also slightly in shock, then Frisk turned to Toriel. "Mom, can we go and visit her?" She let out a sad sigh. "Yes, but I can't drive you since I have something important to attend to in the next 30 minutes and the hospital is about 45 minutes away. So you have to take the bus." She explained.

"In 10 minutes is the next one. So let's get going!" Frisk jumped off the couch and grabbed her jacket Chara also went to the front door. "I'm coming with you." And also got up. Frisk smiled a bit. "Thank you (Y/N)." She smiled as well. "Someone has to play guardian angel for you." They laughed a bit. Wait did I just...?

~ Le temskip to tha bus stop~

We all sat on the bench waiting for the bus. Me in the middle, Frisk to my left and Chara to my right. Flying is still faster...

I peeked over to Frisk. She seemed a bit down, which is understandble. Then I looked at right Chara to my right who was shivering pretty badly since the temperature is pretty low and also quite windy. Maybe I could? I spread out my right wing...

(Chara's P.O.V.)

Shite this is cold! Note to myself: get a jacket soon. I hope that Charlie is alright. Despite the fact that I don't like humans, she is a pretty nice person...

Then suddenly a warm feeling crawled over my back and spread over my whole body, and I felt how the cold wind wasn't hitting me anymore. What's this feeling? It feels like somebody wrapped me in a warm blanket. In the corner of my eye, I saw how (Y/N) peeked at me. Does this have something to do with him?


(And your P.O.V)

We got off the bus and went over to the entrance of the hospital. Frisk seemed glum, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I don't like seeing them like this. We went inside to the reception
where a woman with black hair tied to a ponytail sat. "Greetings, how can I help you?" She asked when we stepped in front of her. "Hello, we would like to visit Charlie Dashwood," Frisk spoke with a firm voice. "Are you a relative?" She asked back. "No, we are good friends. I'm Frisk Dreemurr."

"Ah, right Frisk. Yes, Charlie had mentioned that you might come. She on the third floor, room D2." She told us. "Thank you," Frisk said and we made our way to the staircase. A few nurses walked past us.

(A/N) I just wanted to point out that my knowledge about hospitals is very limited, or more like nonexistent. I'm improvising here and making things up.

"Have any of you been to a hospital before?" I asked curiously. They shook their heads. "Only if birth counts," Chara said. "Oh, I see. Me too." Not like I can get sick or something. "Is this the third floor?" Frisk asked. "No, the second." So we went even higher. "Well, we have been. Just a while ago remember? Your little fall." Chara spoke again.

"Oh right." Then we went silent for a bit. Until we found room D2 when we wanted to get inside a doctor was about to leave. "Oh, Ms. Dashwood you have some visitors." And we went inside. In the bed laid a girl, a little younger than us maybe. She had long red hair and blue eyes. Her skin was quite pale and looked unhealthy. The instrument next to the bed showed that her pulse was rather weak. Her condition was pretty bad.

The Angel and the "Demon" (Female Chara x Angel! Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now