(Chapter 28) Dating start?

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(Frisk's P.O.V.)

"Soooooooo, how was it?" I asked Chara as I sat down on the couch while (Y/N) coincidentally went outside to mom. "Any sexual tensions formed?" I smirked a little and Chara chuckled.

"Hehehe, those weren't just tensions..." Then her face became a tomato again she realized what she just said. And my jaw slightly dropped as I realized what she just said.

"Wait- does that mean that you..." Holy shit that escalated quickly. "You did that didn't you?"

"N-no." She obviously lied, judging by how she stuttered and was still a tomato face. "Yeah yeah. How was it?" I didn't expect them to go that far so quickly.

"I-it was good." "Good?" I raised an eyebrow. "Did you at least have an orgasm?" I asked while reaching for a glass of water on the table and taking a sip. "Three, actually." WAIT HOLY-

I almost choked on my water. "You what?!" "Frisk please! Quiet down for fuck's sake." She started panicking. "But how? ... Was he that good?" I asked tomato Chara.

"Yeah... We did it twice tho. I had two on the first, and the third on the second one in the shower, no further questions please." Oof... "Alright, I just I hope you properly got rid of the condoms... Wait, since when do have condoms in the shower? Did you even use one?" I turned to her again. "Well..." I'll take that as a no...

"You took the pill in foresight, right?" She tried to look innocent. "You did take the pill in foresight, right???"

"Well.... no."


"CHARA ARE YOU BAD-SHIT INSANE?!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and started shaking her. "FRISK! For god's sake stay quiet for all its fucking worth!" Oh right.

"Besides, calm down, please. He explained it to me like that his Grace and my soul would have to merge, which can't happen on accident or sum shit."

"Oh... Well, that solves that I guess."


~Awkward silence~

"Have you been ever on a date with him yet?" The question randomly came up in my head. "Uh, no." She replied. "Huh, so you screwed before you date-"
"Frisk no. Stop." She cut me off, now embarrassed again

"But yeah, we didn't go on a date yet. It's a nice idea." And she seemed to start thinking and planning. "Why don't you do one tomorrow? Tomorrow is Friday."

"Yeah sounds good, but where to go?" Hmmm...

"Ah! Muffet's cafe!" Her eyes lightened up. "Frisk you're a genius!" "Glad I can help."

"Alright, a date tomorrow to Muffet's Cafe it is..." Her smile faded quickly as she realized something. "That's gonna be expensive isn't it?"


~Temskip sponsored by (Y/N) and Toriel who coincidently took ages to bring in the grocery bags, and a Chara explaining her dating plan to her boyfriend~

(Oh right, and to your P.O.V.)

"Hmm..." We were sitting in Chara's room.

"I think that's a great idea, I'm in for it." I smiled after she had presented her idea of us going on a date after school tomorrow. "Great! Muffet's Cafe it is too?" She asked with a joyful expression.

"I don't know that place, but sure thing." "Alrighty, then it's settled."


"Hold on. Tomorrow is Friday?" She asked suddenly. "Uh, yeah?" Her smile faded really quickly. "We're writing a math test tomorrow..." Oh...

The Angel and the "Demon" (Female Chara x Angel! Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now