(Chapter 17) Making a move, or something like that

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(Chara's P.O.V.)

"Yeah, looks good enough." I thought after looking at myself in the bathroom mirror. I've made a slight change in clothes, brushes my hair extensively, and got rid of that thing. "Puh, alright Chara, you got this!" I talked to my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

I went over to the door, opened it, and got outside where Frisk already waited for me. "Alright Frisky, how do I look?" I asked her while gesturing around myself. She sat up a judging face.

"Are those the most seductive clothes that you have?" She asked me. "Yeah, I would've chosen a skirt or something but I don't have something like that. So I went with this, fixed my hair, and got rid of a certain thing."

"*Sigh* Lemme guess, your bra?" She asked. "How do you know?" I asked back a bit confused why she knows that. "You have mentioned that you hate it, and you already took it off a few times."

"Hey, I think it's uncomfortable, ok? Besides, I promise I'll only do it at home." Another smirk came to her face. "Well, no wonder it's uncomfortable with your big-"

"Don't." I stopped her softly.

"Hehe, sorry." She giggled then we went downstairs into the living room, where I saw something that made my heart skip a slight beat. (Y/N) sat on the couch, leaned back against the couch, he seemed to sleep and... his wings were out and fully spread out, occupying the whole remaining couch with his right one while the left one hangs over the rest, onto the floor.

"Wow, I totally forgot how huge they are," Frisk whispered amazed. "Also, let that sink in. He laid those around you multiple times." Oh wow. Oh wow! She's right!

I slowly walked past the coffee table, without paying much attention to where exactly I was going, because I kept my eyes on his wings. Then I felt how my leg hit something hard, which caused me to jump up a bit in pain. I ran against the coffee table and knocked over a glass of water that was on it

I could see the glass falling for a split second, but then maybe a centimeter above the ground... it just stopped. Like time was frozen. "Heh, are you always that clumsy?" (Y/N) was awake looking at me now with open eyes.

(Your P.O.V.)

It was kinda fun to see her dumbfounded expression when she looked at me. I casually made a quick gesture with my hand, with which I placed the glass and its content back onto the table.

"What the-? How can you do this?" Frisk asked me who now came closer as well. I raised an eyebrow. "Do you think I care about the laws of physics?" Chara snored a bit. "Fair point." Then her gaze wandered over my wings. Oh right.

"Yeah, I'll make some space for you." I stood up and pulled my wings closer to me. "Should I hide them again?" I asked Chara. "Didn't you want to have them out more often?"

"Yeah, but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." But as soon as I ended my sentence she started shaking her head and gesturing around. "No no no! It's fine!"

I sat back down on the left end of the couch while Frisk sat on the right end while Chara sat down right next to me. I leaned back a bit, ugh. It's kinda uncomfortable to lean on them when they're folded up like this, at least the couch isn't so hard.

"Didn't you say it's uncomfortable to lay on them?" Chara looked at my wings. "Kinda, but it's fine-" But she cut me off. "If you want you can spread them out again!" "Yeah, but you won't have any space then."

"Well, then... do this again." She mumbled. "What?" "You know, that lay it around me as you did before." Oh.

I slightly leaned forward and so did she. I spread them out again letting the left one back onto the ground and moving the other carefully behind Chara's back then carefully laid it around her.
At this moment I noticed that Chara wore different clothing.

She changed her usual black pants to brown shorts with black tights where if you look very closely could see trough. I wonder why she changed.

But then she very carefully leaned back again and I felt how her back really touched my wing. Usually, I left half a centimeter of the distance between. This sensation of her really touching it was something so new it made me flinch a bit, which she noticed. "Sorry! Did I hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine just feels... weird really having you touch them. But it's fine." I gave her a gentle smile. "Oh, then I'm gonna do this..." She moved closer to me and then laid her head onto my shoulder and generally snuggled up to me.

Then I moved my wing and laid around her, covering her up like a blanket. "Feels great..." She sighed. "But Frisk. Could you open a window? So some cold air comes in, because well, it's kinda warm down here." She laughed.

"Oh, on it!" Frisk was about to get up. "No need to." I made a quick gesture with my hand on which the window opened. "Oh, ok," Frisk stated a bit surprised expression and grabbed the TV remote. When I looked at Chara I noticed how she was staring at me with her eyes widened.

"Is something wrong?" I asked concerned. "Huh? No, it's just... your eyes. They were red again." I bit my bottom lip. "Sorry, does it scare you or?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I have red eyes too, that would mean that I'm afraid of my own eyes you genius." "Oh right."
We were both silent for a bit.

"I actually hate my red eyes." She said out of nowhere in a bitter tone. "What makes you say that?"

"They are the main reason that my past has been so cruel and unfair. If I didn't have these eyes, most of it probably would've never happened." She spoke in a grim voice. Well, she's some sort of right...

"Well, it can't be changed. But I personally like your eyes." Her face lightened up a bit. "They are one of the things that make you different and unique, special if you will. Because you are certainly a special person."

"Heh, and that coming from a person who's half a divine being. Means a lot." She now smiled at me. "What... what would you do if someone would hurt me like that again?" She asked out of the blue.

"I would disintegrate them immediately," I spoke with no hesitation.

"Whoa! Calm down Satan!" She said half panicked, half laughing.

"Technically Lucifer is my uncle, now that I think about it." Never thought about that fact actually. Now she sat there a bit perplexed.

"Anyways, I uh... thank you." She laid her head back on my shoulder. We sat there silently for a while, watching TV until Frisk got up. "Remember what I told you." She said to Chara with a wink, then left the room.

"Oh, so..." Chara took a deep breath. "I uh, like your pants!" Um, ok? "Thanks, they were 50% off when I got them."

"Well, I would like to see them 100% off." She said with a wink.
(A/N) I never said a flirt in my entire life, so expect low quality here.

"What kind of store gives stuff away?" I asked confused. "That's not what I mea-"

"That's a terrible way to run a business." She opened her mouth, tried to say something then shook her head while mumbling: "Nevermind."

Then I noticed that her face was a bit red. "Chara, are you feeling alright? Your face is red." I asked concerned. "I-m fine." I don't believe this.

I placed my hand on her cheek and felt around her face, which turned redder even more and also heated up. "H-hey stop touching me!"

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" I asked not understanding what is going on. "It's nothing let go of me!" So I did. Huh, strange...


(A/N) Yes, you don't know what blushing means.

Artwork by: UT_mizsee (Only slightly edited by me)

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