(Chapter 26) A matter of feathers

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(Chara's P.O.V.)

"Any idea where (Y/N) is?" Frisk asked while we were hanging around in the living room while the TV was on in the background. "He's on a walk, or flight I guess?" I shrugged. "Why are you not with him?" "Cause' he got out early, and I was busy... with sleeping." Frisk let out a little snort. "Pff- You two..."

"Actually, I know it's basically none of my business. But I'm curious, have you two gotten... physical yet?" She smirked a tiny bit. "Well... What counts as physical?" I felt how my face heated up a little again. "We've kissed, we cuddled... And that's it." That isn't too much, to be honest.

"No french kiss? No making out? Boop touching, booty touching? Nothing?" Frisk...

"Well... He touched my... my butt once, but on accident." I mumbled. "Well, at least something."

"If you ask me if you get a chance to get physical with him. Take it I'd say." She went back to smirking again. "You can bet I do."

"Um... That's not the answer I expected but yeah! Go get'em tiger!" Frisk cheered. "Get the D! Get the-" She started chanting but I stopped her. "Ok, no. That's enough." She giggled.

"But yeah, I'll take a chance if I get one. Like I dunno he's undressing or sum fanfic-like shit. Well, that'll take a while."

"Or not, it might happen sooner than you think." Frisk shrugged. "... Do you have any plans schemed or what?" I asked her slightly concerned. "Nope, I'm just saying that unexpected things can happen any time." She shrugged. "Fair point." Then we both went silent for a bit, looking around cluelessly while more or less listening to the TV.

"...Has reported that the number of homicides, assaults, and other violent actions including human magic has increased by 25%. The government is currently-" "Urgh, shut it." I turned off the TV.

"Typical humans. As soon as they get their hands on something they can use as a weapon, they use it." And that's why I don't consider myself human for a long time now. "Well, I suppose you're ri-" Frisk started but was cut off by the sound of the front door opening.

"(Y/N)?" I turned around. "You're finally- What the-?" It was (Y/N) but he seemed very unamused. Which was understandable considering how he looks right now. His face a bit dirty, his hair completely roughened up, and his whole back covered in mud." What the hell happened?!" I yelled while getting off the couch.

"I had an unpleasant meeting with a tree." Yup, he's unamused. "You crashed?" I asked. "Precisely. Remind me that flying casually near mount Ebott is a terrible idea."

"Why?" I asked him. "You remember that I told you how magic exists in multiple dimensions at once? Well, the barrier contained a whole fricking lot of magic. And its destruction not so long ago spread its magic around the mountain. And that interferes with the dimension phasing a bit, it caught me off guard..."

"And you crashed..."

"Into a tree..."


"Right into a puddle of mud afterward..."

"Well, that sucks..."

"With my wings out."

"Oh... So your wings are full of mud as well?" He nodded. "And cleaning them isn't easy..." He added.

"Yeah, makes sense with their size. What are your options?" I asked. "Welp, go search a lake or smth and flop into it backward and hope for the best. Or... No..." He stopped.

The Angel and the "Demon" (Female Chara x Angel! Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now