"An Anti-Social Pessimist being friendly?" + ⚠️Important A/N⚠️

Start from the beginning

After a couple of minutes, I see that Simon and Kate aren't in their original spot which is odd as they barely leave it, only for drinks, but they would've told me by now.

"Hi." An angelic voice spoke softly next to me, I look at where I heard the voice and saw the girl that I've been seeing a lot around recently, and have quite the crush on, might I add, Samantha Fraser. The Cheerleader, the popular girl, the nice popular girl who isn't a bitch to anyone unless they deserve it. The girl who if you catch her eye, or even lock eyes on one another, she'll make you fall in love. It was torture but I fell for those eyes, those blue eyes that hid so much behind them and I just want Sam to tell me anything and everything.

"Hey..." I reply, Sam sent me a small smile and leant against the doorframe on the other side,

"Hate parties too, huh?" Sam asked with a goofy smile, I nod my head and let out a small sigh.

"I hate them so much. People are drunk, or high... I hate it." I complain which Sam giggles at, she nods her head and lets her shoulders fall,

"Yeah, these are definitely high school parties for you." Sam expresses before she let out another scoff at how much she disapproves of parties. She hates them but still shows up to each one. Why? I don't know either.

"Sort've just want to leave." I inform the blonde haired girl who turns to me, a small smile on her lips.

"Why don't you?"

"My two friends, Kate and Simon are here, drunk, and they need a ride home. But since they're too scared to go home drunk, they'll most likely just be staying at mines." I explain to her which she nods her head at then a small giggle after a few seconds of silence,

"I like Simon, he's funny... weird, but funny." Sam compliments which was honestly true, he was a little weird but not more than usual, and although a lot of people thought that he was strange and quite odd, it was a high opinion on why Kate and I like him so much, he was goofy, odd, strange and hilarious all in one and didn't care about anyone's opinions. He stuck to himself and I have to admit that I'm proud of him for being able to put up with the odd glares here and there.

"I do too." I agree as I nod my head, "Do you know where they are by the way? I haven't seen them in a while." I ask her. She shrugs lightly,

"I'm not sure. I think I saw them go outside but that was a good 15 minutes ago." Sam informs me, I let out a small sigh.

"They better not be in the pool, Simon will be so angry in the morning..." I complain and drag myself outside, Sam giggling and following after me. We head outside and although I wasn't expecting Sam to follow me and help me out, the company was nice. I look around and see Simon about to jump, "SIMON!" I call on him, his eyes shoot to me as he was only wearing boxers and shorts, and the only time he did that was when he was far gone. He pouts,

"Just one jump!" He slurs out, I shake my head.

"Clothes on, we're going." I sternly tell him, he lets out a small whine but listens anyway, he storms around to the front and in the car; Sam taps my shoulder and I look at her hand then at her, she points over to the outside bar where I see her taking shots. I sigh, "So much effort." I sigh out and walk over, I grab the shot glass and pour the vodka into her mouth and then shut it over and grab her hand, "Come on, we're leaving." I tell her, she groans.

"I was just about to win—"

"You can win next time." I tell her and me, Kate and Sam head around the front. "Thanks for helping me." I thank as I glance at Sam, she shakes her head lightly,

"It's fine, honestly. Um, but... I... I was wondering if..." She clears her throat, and taps her chest lightly, "I was wondering if I could tag along? And... And we can maybe, I, I don't know—"

"I'd like that... Sam." I cut her off to see a relief on her expression, she nods her head slowly and smiles widely.

"Right... Um, where... where do you want me to sit?" She asks me as she sees Simon sitting in the back with his butt in the air and his face on the seat. Kate groans,

"Gross, move your ass down!" Kate complains as she shoves him forward causing him to bash his head against the door,


"What? You're ass was in the way!" Kate argues,

"I don't care! What was that for—?"

"Both of you shut up and buckle your seat belt." I tell them sternly and shut the door, Sam laughs at this while I open the passenger door for her, "There you go, Miss Popular." I tease which Sam rolls her eyes at and got in. I shut the door behind her and walk around the front of the car, I get in to hear Simon and Kate quietly going back and forth. I sigh at this but hear Sam still giggling to herself which makes me smile.


We arrive back at mines and I help Simon out as he's more drunk than Kate and Sam helps Kate out of the car, I lock the car and we head inside, I unlock and open the door to hear a small scream; my eyes rush to where the scream went to see Josh, who got scared by our entry, I giggle.

"Hey, dillweed." I greet as I walk Simon over to the couch and lay him down, Sam shuts the front door with her foot and sets Kate down on the armchair, she lets out a small groan but I shush her,

"Who's this?" Josh asks confused as he points at Sam,

"Sam, this is my brother Josh, Josh this is Sam." I introduce the two to one another, Sam walks over as she puts her hand out, Josh takes it and they shake hands.

"Nice meeting you." She tells him with a wide smile that Josh just lets out a nervous sound out, I snicker at this.

"Nice meeting you too. Are you dating Deena?" Josh asks abruptly, my eyes shoot toward him as Sam simply blushes harshly at his words, I run toward him but he quickly runs downstairs and into the basement,

"Asshole." I mumble under my breath, Sam just giggles.

"He's friendly." Sam compliments, the blush still flushed on her cheeks, I scoff at this.

"Yeah, sure." I sarcastically say, "Anyway, do you need anything? A drink or anything?" I ask her which she gasps sarcastically at.

"An Anti-Social Pessimist being friendly? I feel so special." Sam teases with a small smirk as she walks closer, tilting her head from left to right as she got closer, she stops in front of me as a smile is left on my face.

"Ha ha, very funny, Fraser." I tease back as I do the same as her, but stay still. Sam hums,

"Not so friendly anymore... gotcha." Sam hums out, I laugh.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"I know, I just wanted to annoy you." Sam giggles out, I roll my eyes at this and just smile.

"Very funny." I joke with her, me and Sam sit down at the dining table and just start talking, about the most random things but I like it. I like talking to her, she listens to me and I listen to her.

Especially when you look at Sam, you see such a picture perfect life but when you really know her, it's not so picture perfect than it seems. And that's the most devastating part of all of this. She's all alone, in her little bubble where her friends don't seem to care about her and just talk to her about boys and cheerleading which sounds repetitive. And when they do realize that she's upset, they don't try anything.

But I want too. I want to try with Sam. She deserves the perfect life that she makes out to have but most importantly...

She deserves to be heard.


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