𝔸𝕣𝕚 𝔹𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕣

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"Do you still go to meet him?"

I knew Logan was asking me about Cross. A pain shot through my heart and all I could do was nod.

"How many years has it been D?" His voice sounded exhausted. We've had this conversation numerous times before.

"Five years." My voice sounded distant to my own ears. Scratching the wound from the device embedded like a leech on my neck, it was becoming difficult to talk.

"Yes. Five years D. Gabriel Cross left you five years ago. Why are you still-" getting up from where I was sitting moments ago on the ground, my feet made its way towards the ledge. "He was my partner Logan. I can't forget him. I am unable to."

"Then what about Ryu? What are you doing with him? Didn't you the other day tell me that he reminded you of the warmth that once you felt with Cross?" Logan gripped my arms and the anger in his tone made me aware that me lingering over the past, hurt him too.

"Stop it Logan. Don't act as if Cross leaving did not affect you. You..." Closing my eyes I took a deep breath, "He was good to you too."

The moment my lips uttered these words, my body collided with a heavy body and a pair of strong arms were around me. Logan's forehead was on my shoulder and I felt his body shaking.

"Of course Gabriel meant a lot to me. He was like an elder brother. If it wasn't for him, for you or for SAVIOUR-" Logan moved back and his eyes were filled with sadness, " I wouldn't have been here. None of us would be here."

Patting his shoulder I smiled and was about to light a Cigarette when he whispered, "What happened to your son-"

"Stop." Nausea hit my core and I doubled in half. I didn't want to think about him. Not now.

"D!" Logan yelled and was next to me. "I am sorry D!" But his words were distant as my memories of past brought me peace and happiness. A time where Cross was my world and future was filled with bright promises.


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"Goodmorning pup." There was faint blush on his cheeks as he eyed the bite mark on my neck. I wasn't wearing any shirt and the only piece of cloth on me was his shorts. That wasn't just the only mark on my body, he literally painted my skin with his teeth.

Taking a seat opposite of mine at the dining table, he bit into the warm toast and tried his best to avoid meeting my eyes.

"Your ass alright?" I gave him a sly smile. He wasn't expecting the direct attack and coughed his food out. Wheezing he glared and I started laughing.

I wasn't in pain last night but Cross was horny. He introduced me to his collection of dildos and to say I was surprised would be an understatement. Watching his pleasure made me take things too far and I might have been quite rough on him last night. Not that he complained. He just kept biting me and pleaded for more.

FEARLESS ~ Sequel to SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now