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I was trying to regain my thoughts on what Cross just revealed while his face stretched into a breathtaking smile. "By the way, I forgot-" leaning closer to me he winked and signed, "Good morning pup."

What the...

"Pup?" I was dumbfound. Never in my life have I ever been called a pup.

"Yeah. Don't you like that name? It suits you. Pup."

"Please don't call me pup. Thats-" Cross cut me off by leaning even more closer and I didn't mind. "That's right. You aren't a pup, you are a dragon."

Fuck me.

I was left with a void when he moved back and signed casually, "Why don't you drink this?" He brought a small sealed bottle in front of me. "Trust me. This is not spiked."

Ah! A jab.

"You might be having a bad headache. After drinking this, freshen up and meet me down for breakfast. Alright?"

All I could do was nod. Quickly downing the drink, he showed me around the room and once was satisfied that I could manage on my own, he left.

Entering the bathroom I saw my reflection on the mirror. Usually I avoided looking at my own reflection and thus never had any mirrors at my personal space. Never before I ever paid any attention to the way I was. Azora was in-charge of my hairstyle and clothes and whatever she thought was best, I went along with it.

That's why right now I was horrified by my appearance. Dark bags under my eyes, my hair was all messed up and I looked like an absolute crap bag. Luckily I didn't stink but still; how didn't Cross find me disgusting?

Quickly using the facilities I made my way under the cold shower and found eternal bliss. It was when I stepped out did I realise that there was no towel. Opening the door to ask Cross for one, I saw a pair of towel, new underwear; alright I am ready to vanish at this second; shorts and singlet with cute hoodie.

He kept everything ready.

Strolling downstairs it amazed me to see his house was quite a gothic structure. Mostly decorated with antiques, it made me wonder who this man was? He didn't seem like an art teacher for sure.

I found him in the kitchen, apron tied at his waist and words printed in front were - kiss me if you like my food.

"Pup!" He signed, "You're here."

"Don't call me pup." Standing opposite to his work station I signed, "What are you doing?" At my question he signed, "Performing magic. Want some?"

I had to give him. He had some dry sense of humour. But, not the one to back down I signed slyly, "Magic? Here I thought you'd receive a kiss from me if your food was good and tasty."

His gaze met mine and slowly he grinned. Oh! They were lethal.

"Pup." His eyes narrowed, "Don't challenge me until you're ready to take me on. Though you might be exactly what I need, not sure if I am what you need."

So very cryptic.

"What is it that you think I need?" I signed and he that very second stilled. For some reason I felt my soul was crossing some uncharted territory.

"Pup..." He signed carefully, "Leave it."

Alright. I left it at that. Few minutes later he set a plate of toast, pancakes with peanut butter and veggies in front of me. "Eat."

FEARLESS ~ Sequel to SilenceWhere stories live. Discover now