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I kept staring at him and signed, "Session?"

"Yes, Pup. Session. Come here." Patting the cushion placed on the floor he smiled. What is he playing at? Nevertheless I sat and saw him pull another cushion in front of me and mirrored my seating arrangement.

"Today is your first session and I thought why not start with me. Now, look at my lips." Is he serious? He's asking me to look at his lips.

When I started frowning, Cross snapped his fingers in front of me and pointed towards his lips. "FOCUS!" He signed and with a sigh I humoured him.

First my gaze met his and it slowly trailed down his nose and finally made it to its destination. His lips. The more I stared, the more I wanted to kiss the hands who sculpted Mr. Cross' lips. They reminded me of ripe apples worthy to be chewed on. If I drooled, he never made it obvious.

He was saying something but I couldn't read any of his words, not that I was paying attention, but each time he spoke the small dimple below his chin popped out.

"You're not focusing!" He signed and I replied with frustration, "Well I would have if your lips weren't this alluring."

Fuck! Why did I have to say that? Instantly his grin grew and he leaned into my space, careful to not encroach, but enough for his musky cologne to invade my senses.

"It's conflicting to know my student finds my lips alluring, yet at the same time it's charming too. What should I do?"

"Continue teaching?" I signed back. He was right. I shouldn't be flirting. Cross is going out of his way to help me and here I am looking at his lips and making comments. "Sorry. I will pay more attention."

If Cross was disappointed by my lack of enthusiasm to flirt, he didn't show, rather he smiled and signed, "Your first lesson for today would be simple communication. At first it would be extremely difficult to read peoples lips as their speed would be set on others hearing capacity than reading form. So, what you need to learn is a shortcut."


"Yup. Understand the semantics of your situation and conversation. For example; when you read, you don't pay close attention to each words. Your eyes are trained to just glance or skim through and understand the text. Right?"


"Same way you don't need to read each and every syllable when people talk. Just get an understanding of what they're talking and you would be able to answer any questions like a pro."


"Let's start. Look at my lips very carefully and understand what I am trying to say." I nodded and he gave me a thumbs up.


I frowned. His lips formed an "O" and I waited for his next cue.




He twisted his tongue towards inward and stressed on one letter and it clicked. "R?" I asked and he nodded. He worded out 'How Are' and this time I completed the sentence, "How are you?"

He grinned and gave me a thumbs up again. "Good. I didn't complete the 'you'; yet you understood the semantics well. Alright let's practice some more."


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